...:::'dusty guitar room':::...
Hi guys,
It's a bit funny but only since a few days
, ( I draw with sketchup about 3 years) , I know 3D warehouse
. Haha A bit silly. But 1 thing you need to know, is that I've internet for a couple of months.
So I want to thank all the people who share their models on 3D warehouse. And give credits to PUGZ-1983
for given me inspiration.greetz jeremy
(more to come)
Hi Jer,
Love the render. nice textures and lighting. Only thing I don't like is the repeating pattern on the left wall.( herhaling van texture op de muur achter de stoel
Nice to read that you got inspired by my Jimmy Hendrix Room.Greetz Twan
@pugz1983 said:
Hi Jer,
Love the render. nice textures and lighting. Only thing I don't like is the repeating pattern on the left wall.( herhaling van texture op de muur achter de stoel
Nice to read that you got inspired by my Jimmy Hendrix Room.Greetz Twan
thanx for the comment,
it's true, you see a repeating tex. but if you see the original render you see much more detail. so in the corner there is a piece of wallpaper loose. Ach ja, hij is nog lang niet af. here is the next stap.
hey! im liking this alot! but why is all the detail on the window frame lost?
does it burn with the light? keep it up man! nice work! oh! i think the floor
looks better on the first image, it´s much nicer than the carpet! -
@nektares said:
hey! im liking this alot! but why is all the detail on the window frame lost?
does it burn with the light? keep it up man! nice work! oh! i think the floor
looks better on the first image, it´s much nicer than the carpet!Thanx nektares,
sorry for the late response, the second image is an faster render, that's why it's an less quality picture. But really thanx for the comment.
i like the foggy athmosphere.
Which renderprogram did you use?
@jo-ke said:
i like the foggy athmosphere.
Which renderprogram did you use?
I can see the fog, but it should be some volume light simulation with post pro I guess?
Why not let in more lights from the glass door?