What is it?
@roger said:
Jeff, if I laughed at your comment would that make me a Jolly Roger?
Seriously thanks for that little tidbit of history about chocks vs leveling screws. I thought the screw was just a technology upgrade over the chock, but what yo say makes perfect sense.
I have to come up with a better texture for the gun carriage. The engineered wood look lacks historical accuracy.
Was the carriage indeed bare wood? Most commonly they were painted. Does it still exist? Do you have photos of it now? It would be interesting to see.
This may be worth a look as well. This is from the woodworking forum. http://www.veneeronline.com/home.aspx Although it may be best to look into lumber reuse companies. They may have photos of nice reclaimed textures. Just an idea.

Jeff, I know it will disappoint some, but when it comes to the wood for the carriage the art director in me will probably out vote the historian. Maybe I will do mahogany with a rubbed tung oil finish.
That will be beautiful. Will you do all the caps, bolts, etc in the same material (brass?) as you have done with the cannon itself? That would look spectacular.
Thanks for posting a pic with cannon together. It looks great!
Oh ya...here is a nice high res mahogany material if you are looking for one. May need some post pro but that would be easy for you. http://www.dackor.com/colors/422-3018_Mahogany_Large.JPG
Pretty cool model, Mr. Hawkins.
How did you do the renders? I really like the style.
Nice texture wrapping too. Can't wait to see the final model.
Have a great day!
Jeff, all the stuff on the gun carriage will be black iron with only the gun in bronze.
Thanks for the mahogany texture. I will also shoot the backrest of the mahogany couch that I built. I built the entire couch out of a single mahogany board. The board itself cost $500. When I went to the lumber yard and told them what I wanted, they said come out back and see what we have. It was one 2" thick board big enough to build the whole piece of furniture. They said it had just come in and they had not had a piece that size in 18 months.
I had been downsized by my company so I had a lot of time to stand outside and rub down the wood with oil. Mahogany is a bit magical as the wood sucks up minerals like silicates while it grows. It dulls saws quickly, but the mineral factor does crazy things with light. Depending on sun orientation the wood sparkles and changes color.
Ken, Chao Ong.
I haven't run it through a render engine yet. I is pretty much straight SketchUp with some minor post production in PhotoShop.
I am far from happy with the texture wrapping. One thing that did please me was the decorative bands at the front and middle of the gun. I am working from a detailed reference model and I was able to photograph the model in my studio and digitally unwrap the bands, rectify and color and tonally correct them before rewrapping on the virtual model. The middle band was perfect. The front band was also good when I built the front module, but came apart when I assembled my various sub components. I will have to go in and remap that texture.
As to the background, it is the masonite style that comes with SU. I burned, dodged, and played with the levels and color balance. These adjustments made the burned areas come out way too red so I went back and toned that down with the desaturation brush.
Hoa binh my friend.
And always remember that the slow water buffalo drinks muddy water.
I think I will give this a break for a while before making corrections to the model and doing a photo real render.While I am working, I am listing to a Discovery Channel program on undersea archaeology and cannon recovery. It is confusing to listen to while working on this.
Great render, Mr. Hawkins.
Can't wait to see your photo real render.
Beautiful Roger. Nice to see it together!
@roger said:
... before making corrections to the model and doing a photo real render.
.The barrel will look more metallic in that?
Yes SketchUp has little reflectivity in it materials renditions. So my photoreal material should look more metallic.
First test render in Kerkythea. This render's function is to help me bracket the target as they say in the artillery branch. I want to go more elegant and less comic book. Sort of artillery as jewelry. I wish the render process was more interactive so I can see the changes as I work. This list of planned changes is too long to go into tonight.
very nice!
Comments, thoughts, ideas? I still need to improve my control over KT, but this is beginning to feel good.
the materials and lighting are everything now, as you have a good model (I believe)
I don't think the materials have a realistic look to them at all currently.
perhaps if you were to find a trusted 'buddy' over at the KT forum to help work out the mats, you could have a killer render.
definitely look at the aged metal library they have for download.