Need Modelers for Project - Modeling California First!
@leedeetee said:
@jaxcoffee said:
@leedeetee said:
@jaxcoffee said:
Do a Google Search on Andrew Carnegie. He was the Philanthropist that donated funds for all the Carnegie Library buildings to be built. Even Though today, many of the buildings are no longer libraries, they are still "Carnegie's" and worthy of being preserved as part of the historical record.
Ah right yes, I am aware of him and his works! Was more wondering about the terminology.
Makes perfect sense now.
I have started my first model anyway, and hope to get it finished today (its 9am, Sunday here!). Thoroughly enjoyable!
Haven't seen anything yet. Stop off at one of those York pub's for a cold one? LOL! Look forward to see what you come up with.
Bit behind schedule but will get Yreka finished tonight.
Few quick questions though, I believe Yreka was built in two parts (an extension was built in 1980) and so I am modeling both at the minute - is that the correct way to procced?
Also, despite my best efforts I am unable to find any perpendicular images of the sides of the library. I have enough info from angled photographs of the front to construct something resembling the real world, which is what i will do, so hope this is OK also.
Upload the SKP file to the 3D Carnegie group or Google docs and I'll take a look, and instruct where I can.
Thanks for your contribution. Hope to see more!
The amount of models for the state of California is growing for our project.
Here is a link to the collection on the 3D warehouse, showing models that have been completed and approved for viewing in the Google Earth 3D layer.
Come join us in modeling this great collection of unique buildings.
We just recently got 4GB of photos from a resource of all the Carnegie's in California, so for anyone who picks a building, and can't quite get the information they need from Street View, let me know and I will upload what you need to help you along.
Thanks to Lee and Patrick for being part of the modeling team. Hope your having fun!!
Congrats Jax, hope the project will be even more successful!
We really could use more help in getting all 88 of the California Carnegie buildings modeled and presented.
We have come along way in a few days, but have a lot of work ahead of us. Not to mention a lot of fun also.
Take a look!
Come join the team and contribute what you can.
I am really happy to see the success you have achieved so far and I could even say I am "proud" of you but I am a lazy butt and if ever I model something, that really needs to be modelled to meet my deadline.
But at least I am following the project with great interest!
@gaieus said:
I am really happy to see the success you have achieved so far and I could even say I am "proud" of you but I am a lazy butt and if ever I model something, that really needs to be modelled to meet my deadline.
But at least I am following the project with great interest!
Thank you my friend. Your interest is always appreciated.
I actually started using SU for GE but moved on to other uses as I got better at modeling and doing more complex things. Its actually fun to get back to some very simple models.
The Carnagie Libraries offer many types of architecture to choose from. It takes a little detective work to figure out the geometry of some of the buildings, but between GE, Street View and the large collection of photos we received they come together fairly quickly.
Thanks for your support Gaius!
@jaxcoffee said:
...Paso Dobles?
Sorry for the typo - corrected!
@MuseumMaker - I actually stumbled upon SU when seeing some 3D models on GE, too. It was not too much after Google acquired SU and made its first free version. I also started using it with that intention (modelling for GE) however have waded far away from that initial idea now (but who knows - maybe I will get back some time).
The count of Carnegie Library building models uploaded to the 3D warehouse at present is 21, but we still have a long way to go. Not to mention 49 more states and the rest of Europe.
Still hoping for more involvement from some of you outstanding modelers. Please take a moment, and have a look at our collection. Download the KMZ file that has all the locations already mapped out for you, and pick a Carnegie to model.
Become a part of history, and help us record, for all to see these amazing yet simple structures.
The collection
The group page -
I think this almost makes us world famous!
Well! Maybe close.
Thanks for the mention Google!
Today twitter, tomorrow the world!
@leedeetee said:
Today twitter, tomorrow the world!
So does that mean a lot more modeling is in store?
Congratulations on Vacaville making the layer Lee.
@jaxcoffee said:
@leedeetee said:
Today twitter, tomorrow the world!
So does that mean a lot more modeling is in store?
Certainly does! Just need those 40 hour days to start happening!
I had just posted this information on our group page for this project, and thought I would mention it here also.
Sometimes, Street View really doesn't give you real clear information to model the way you would like to.
If you have checked out the KMZ file of the Carnegie library building project and found the above mentioned to be true, please contact me at the group page located here.
I can upload some good clean graphics of the Carnegie you have chosen to model in California.
Hope this helps some of you get excited about being involved in our project.
Here is a great post for those wanting to get your town involved in modeling in 3D.
National Trust for
Historic Preservation
We still could use some help on our project also, so if anyone is looking for a great project to get involved in, this is one of them.
Thank you very much for offering your help through joining your team. I am gladly accepting your offer. and offering a little something in return. Here is an article I would want you to look through and maybe you will find it rather interesting for yourself.