Couple new pool renders (Vray)
great work mate
Very nice adam, difficult scene, I really like them.
Thanks Michalis and Oli!
Good job Adam, I liked your Facebook album and its clear that you guys know your stuff (that's coming from a cementhead)
Excellent work - on the renders and on the job!
Thanks Marcus. Yeah, the construction is what I'm doing for 50+ hours a week. Running the business, sales, design and rendering gets squeezed into the remaining 30 hours of my 80 hour work weeks. Needless to say, I don't often have near as much time as I'd like to spend on my modeling and rendering. This year, hopefully I can hire a good project manager and get out of the field...although it's in my blood and I'd probably miss it too much!!
@earthmover said:
I'd probably miss it too much!!
You can play in the "sandbox" whenever you like!
Adam, you're a man with many skills. I hope you'll get the extra-time that you need so bad.
Stefan -
what the F..word!! i thought at first they were photos, wow bro, very nice renders!! only critic is output, i think its too small to enjoy all the details, anyway awsome renders!
Thanks Teo....means a lot coming from your bro! I should probably double my output size. What size do you typically output renders at? My render times were like 12 minutes on these, so I could afford to go bigger.
Stefan, thanks for the kind words.
Very inspiring post-pro , I get too do many similar projects like these of patio's and damn I could really improve
Awesome renders, Adam!
great work