Any Idea on how to get an impersonator off the warehouse?
@unknownuser said:
Scott Para: I saw your models. I thought they were above average. There could have been bevels where there wernt. did pretty much the best you could. Maybe put more bevels, and they should be fine models!
Do you use sketchup?
Talk about damning with faint praise.
Yeah, Scott...put more bevels in these and they'll be as good as the stuff on the warehouse. You can never have enough bevels. Do you use SketchUp BTW? -
@unknownuser said:
Ely862me: Where can I see your work? Thanks for the tutorial. I have already learned it, just isnt my prefered method.
If u pay a bit of attention u ll see my site link down here!
Forget bevel.....
@unknownuser said:
Scott Para: I saw your models. I thought they were above average. There could have been bevels where there wernt. Your modeling interests do not allow for much detail, but for the majority, you did pretty much the best you could. Maybe put more bevels, and they should be fine models!
Do you use sketchup?
As for the "professionals" who say the warehouse is near worthless, although I do not agree, I think you must be more at home on "professional" 3d model sites. The 3dwh is more for begginers.
Ely862me: Where can I see your work? Thanks for the tutorial. I have already learned it, just isnt my prefered method.You know a few days went by and I thought all of this was put aside and you finally "got it" and you decided to learn from those still willing to help you learn. Obviously that is not the case. While I appreciate your "advice" on the bevels and my "average" models, I think you should take a little of your own advice on "bevels" (see attached picture of "the Wowww sedan for giants". As far as doing the "best I can", I always do at whatever I am working on. I model to scale, keeping in mind poly counts, and quality textures. Can you say the same? Do I use sketchup? Yes, why would I be here if I did not? I use Sketchup, Modo, Maya, Alias studio, MAX, it all depends on what the final output needs to be and what my client wants.
I have to say you are not getting it, not at all. You have some big names (Yes "professionals" getting paid for their work) in the world of sketchup (I do not consider myself on their level by any means), people like Alan, Solo, ely862me all willing to give you advice and hold your hand, and you are doing nothing more than pissing that advice away. Bad choice but that is your ship to sail. You need to take this advice being freely given and run with it. Pick these "professionals" brains, they have a wealth of knowledge to give and they are all great guys more than willing to help those who can bite their tongue and be respectful. Take for instance Ely862 giving you a car tutorial, yet you say things like you "already learned it" and it is not your "preferred method". Lets see what you have learned then. Is you preferred method that of drawing out of scale and square grilles? Hold your tongue and open your ears and eyes.
While I was an artist on FormFonts I took full advantage of learning for those professional and was a sponge to any and all advice. I doubt I would have been asked to stay for 4 years if I was not seen as a professional with artistic skills to offer. Many of those guys are the best modelers (using sketchup) I know. The models there are some of the highest quality you will find. THAT is why they are as successful as they are.
I doubt Google's intention for the warehouse was for it to be a dumping ground for beginners. While I am all for beginners posting their work and offering their work for anyone to download it freely, I do not think it was supposed to be a place for the garbage that is flooding the site daily. If they want people (professionals and high level hobbyists) to frequent the site they need some sort of quality control. The problem with that is there would be far fewer models than there are today. This is why it was become a premiere sketchup toilet and not a source for quality content.
I would be more concerned with the quality of your content and your attitude than if someone is impersonating you on the Sh*thouse. Who knows maybe the impersonator has a better attitude and skills and THAT is what is twisting your panties.
..... I take back the suggestion that ~GoldenFrog
~ might be from an American town (Neptune). I think he is more than likely from the planet. It may be time for him to limber up and get leaping back to Neptune as he is clearly not from Earth if he thinks Scott's work needs more attention to detail
@alan fraser said:
@unknownuser said:
Scott Para: I saw your models. I thought they were above average. There could have been bevels where there wernt. did pretty much the best you could. Maybe put more bevels, and they should be fine models!
Do you use sketchup?
Talk about damning with faint praise.
Yeah, Scott...put more bevels in these and they'll be as good as the stuff on the warehouse. You can never have enough bevels. Do you use SketchUp BTW?Enough with the sarcasm, please.
Thanks. I had to model them for a client but never got paid so I figured I would share with everyone here.
Scottpara: I think this thread has gone in the wrong direction, and I would like to do my part to rectify things.
I was annoyed by your ad hominem remarks included in your critique, and the subsequent postings by the others. For example:
The fact that you do not care shows one of a few things or all of them...Immaturity, lack of passion, or lack of belief in yourself.
I can accept constructive criticism, but I do not have to take personal remarks.
As a result, I decided to get a bit of my own back by criticizing some of your models which I thought were not stellar, such as:
And also:
I realize that most of your models are excellent, and I picked a few that were not. This was because I was irked by your comments.
I would like to bury the hatchet now, and apologize.
I do appreciate your constructive comments, but perhaps we should all be a bit more kind when critiquing the work of others.
Both of the models you picked were requested by subscribers. I modeled them to exact dimensions. While they are simple I was modeling something that a paying subscriber asked for. So.....
Apology accepted but modelhead is right. You need to accept comments good AND bad and not come back with a smarta$$ comment or attitude. Take pride in what you do and take advice when given and you will go far in being professional in whatever proffesion you choose.
I think I was within my bounds with my comments and advice.
@unknownuser said:
No, solo, that link was for ely862me who said my cars wernt so good so I gave him the link to the model so he could see that my cars were actually pretty good. The link has nothing to do with the thread. Sooooo...yeah, people dont seem to get this thread. Oh well my impersonator is gone so...
The ratings on that model have nothing to do with the thread. Just posted it to show ely862me that my cars were pretty good.
XD i remember ~GoldenFrog~ impersonating ~Goldenfrog~ XD XD
Well, dude. Now you have full fledged ratings from your pals, NOLA Saint, Joshua James, stunter4life, ikot4life, Paul B, and many more! So don't get upset, please!
Lol, you bumped the thread XD
You shouldnt bump a dead thread, man. People are pretty touchy about forum etiquite.
@unknownuser said:
You shouldnt bump a dead thread, man. People are pretty touchy about forum etiquite.
Yeh, sorry everyone
Fine with me...I never did get why thats such a crime...
@unknownuser said:
Fine with me...I never did get why thats such a crime...
Yeah, i will probably get destroyed