Render this: NPR Lighthouse
I'd like to have Oli's render on one wall facing Solo's 2nd render on the other - that'd be great.
This forum is getting to be the best place around to see interesting art.
You guys should get together and organize a group show. -
Bravo Pete.
That's quite expressive, Pete. Fascinating work.
this is amazing! normally painted styles don't look too convincing but this is very natural. lovely warm colours
nicely done mate love it
Superb render - totally awe inspiring.
Simply amazing work guys!
@dale said:
After falling flat on my face in the "3D Connexion Space explorer" modeling attempt and coming up with something my wife said looked like an " Uncomfortable Feminine Napkin",
(wiping coffee of monitor) Now that's pretty funny.
Sadly True
I like that.
Ricardo, I really like your last one, what did you use? can you give some info? as that style rocks.
Absolutely love the dynamics of that last one Rico.
@solo said:
Okay, my third try, this time I tried a watercolor, gotta do some real work now.
To my eye, that is real work.