Flood project
Hi Luciano,
Yes please keep us posted and show more if you can. I was about to ask the same question as Oli. FLOODS are becoming a major problem in the UK and Ireland and over much of the EU in these times. The old adage 'Build on the high ground' does make a lot of sense
hi pav! this sounds like a really interesting project, reminded me of something I saw recently, a project for a supposed dystopian future, built on water
(aside from interesting, the renders look amazing)
interesting link jopsa....and those images WOW...its a rugged and technical style im trying to achieve!
sorry guys, beet fereting away and forgot to reply! my bad.
the brief is to design a 'flood evacuation building' incase the worse happens in London.
it's estimated that if the thames barrier ever failed, and the ice caps melted the water level in london could raise by 5m over it's average height.the design has to incorporate:
a control tower and helipad,
a canopied seating area for at least 800,
a first aid station,
housing for 15 permanent staff (similar to live-in lifeboat personel)
storage for 5,000 blankets,
racking for 20 PolarKraft + workshop to maintain them
soup kitchen to house 200 at a time
toilet facilities.the idea is we are creating a design for a specific site (of our own choosing) and then this can be replicated throughout London.
there are two other key points as well,
- the building must have a duality in its purpose, a different use out of flood risk time.
- it must be fully operational within 7hrs of the flood warning going up (as this is how long it takes to close the thames barrier.
hope that answers some questions?
jopsa, that is an amazing link, there are some real interesting things going on there, i like!i should have some more images ready soon, i'll post them soon as they are done.
thank for the interest, i really appreciate it.
that project sounds amazing, I've often spoken with friends from uni about how it would be interesting to design buildings after shifting one fundamental principle (what if the building wasn't meant to be comfortable, or even for humans, or in space?). This looks like just that!
alas, I'm stuck with a bunch of boring teachers, designing economical housing in Seville...
good luck, hope you keep us posted!
yeah it is pretty awesome!
next one is set in NY, so i'm off there in Feb which will be wicked.you only realise when getting to the end of the final degree year, that it;s the last chance in your career or designing something really mental, so i've thrown my rule book away for this one.
here are some more images for your perousal.
and another!
that looks awesome! definitely, going a bit crazy is key to a cool project, more so at uni
out of curiosity, does that house the whole program you've been given? or is that somewhere else? also, what other use are you giving it before the floods?
no this is as of yet about 60% of all the required elements.
i plan on moving stuff about a little, as things aren't wuite right yet and it's very rough round the edges.i was supposed to have an intercrit today, but i made the mistake of sitting in a comfy chair after being asleep 72 hours to get this done and i have only just woken up...duh!
with regards to the use before flood...i have no idea! i want it to be somthing other than a visitor centre, or a cafe, something with a little zing, but i just can't think of anything yet.
any ideas?more images to come in a few days.
@jopsa2 said:
hi pav! this sounds like a really interesting project, reminded me of something I saw recently, a project for a supposed dystopian future, built on water
(aside from interesting, the renders look amazing)
those images are incredible it reminds me of the concept art for city 17 from half life 2 with the wires coming down http://knol.google.com/k/-/-/3qekwxh18g0ry/y4ur95/halflife2citadel.jpg
Keeping on focus good start on the flood shelter.