Stalking Parasite
hidden geometry for ya:
could have done with one more subsmooth iteration but no point really its just a bit of fun.
foreground added in PP
Flippin' cool, Oli
Those antennae
Love it.
Oli, you gotta tell us how you composited the grass in PP.
Sweet render Oli - I hope the architecture trade is not boring you too much!!! You would have loads of time to do more of this type of modelling if you were over here - the trade is dead and alot of my architecture friends have lost their jobs recently - scary times - even scarier than your big insect!!!
thanks guys it was fun to make, although I didnt make all the model. I got the base from 3d warehouse and had to do alot of smoothing etc and add the antennae tubes etc. it was pretty low poly and messy. Grass is from I'll post the images tomorrow.
It's made up of two images, the foreground grass and leaves....and the background chunkier grass. I just squished it into shape to match the perspective and deleted the background (which wasn't easy....). I used the dune grass brush to clone stamp and mask out some of the grass in front of the insect. I'm not happy with the grass in front of the insects would have been much easier if i was using my tablet but ah well
When scale and perspective is about right just use dodge and burn tool (sparingly) to get the tone right and then I created a clipping mask over it and applied a few vertical gradients with 'soft light' blending mode to add depth and eeriness! then had to use blur tool to soften the edges a bit and add subtle DOF. some colour correction too.
then colour balance to the whole image with more gradients to the sky (oops theres a weird line in the sky) and vignette. also high pass filter overlay, equalize overlay (try it looks sweet), curves, levels, noise, saturation, and finally border! phew!
well im currently a part 1 architect and found it extremely hard even getting a reply from architecture practices when I was looking for a placement last september. but luckily i found a great place to work and its really close to where i live. the key is to ring every single practice til you get a good response! a few of my mates have lost their jobs too, great shame cos they are very talented. I seem to have escaped the chop (fingers crossed), works picking back up and things getting better it seems. I feel sorry for people recently graduating and looking for work though....must be a nightmare.
I just do these images in spare time....good way of polishing up compositing skills! thanks for all your comments
Great image Oli. Nice IBL on the spider....the PP is virtually seamless.
cheers dude it was quite tricky!
here are the photos I used for the foreground grass, I cannot upload the high res versions because they are too big (
also here is the alpha mask and raw render......quite a difference between final image and render I think....shows the power of photoshop!
I posted this alpha mask because I think it looks pretty cool!
'I feel sorry for people recently graduating and looking for work though....must be a nightmare.'
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh not looking forward to it!!!