My W.I.Ps, completed works and renders
Hello again
Some of you may remember my GP15C locomotive, from this post. Well, I've added wheels, fuel tanks and back detail to it. All it's needed is stairs.
That's the train, the next image is a space pod that I'm building. In the image you can see only the main, un-tuned pod body. Will work on adding booster, service arm, and others. Customize it as much as you like! -
At least a comment? well, here's the finished GP15
(click download link to download)
Well done one slight comment the railroad sleepers (track ties) are very big and catch the eye otherwise good well done
some pics of my GP 9 here -
Here's another train-related object, the ultimatez express cargo carrier (Will upload to warehouse soon)
AutoSave_ultimatez-express1.skp -
update on the ultimatez express (added loco)
ultimatez-express2.skp -
Another W.I.P, a cargo collection facility for ye flying ships
...and another W.I.P of a roller-coaster (imagined) for the google sketchup 3d challenge