Who knows something about Sketchupbar.com
I'm sorry to say, but I find this statement ridiculous...Allow me to quote Shane Fletcher:
@fletch said:
Thank you for your reply, egoddess,
My name is Shane Fletcher, Partner at Twilight Render.com
We respectfully request your site take action against this illegal distribution immediately. Twilight Render is very inexpensive and high quality. There is no reason to steal it. We made Twilight inexpensive so that it would be accessible to everyone.
Twilight Render has obviously been ILLEGALLY PIRATED AND REDISTRIBUTED ON YOUR SITE. This is both sad and shameful. If it were truly "For Educational Purposes" then Pisces would have contacted us and ASKED for permission to translate and redistribute. We were never asked nor contacted, though our contact information is easily available.
In addition, Pisces, or a partner, has "Re-branded" Twilight Render for this illegal distribution, changing the logo from yellow to green, and Illegally re-used a rendering WE PERSONALLY CREATED with Twilight.
%(#BF4000)[So they have stolen:- Our Software, 1. our Logo, 1. our Images, and 1. our potential customers.
In addition, Pisces is apparently claiming copyright on something Pisces was never given permission to do, and obviously knows is illegal and wrong. We, again, respectfully request your site take action against this illegal distribution immediately.]
We are pleased with all the talented and creative Chinese users finding Twilight Render so easy and fun to use.
Twilight Render is very OPEN AND WELCOMING to creating versions in different languages, and we are also committed to providing help for "educational" institutions... those interested need only to ASK and be given permission. We will gladly work with someone to translate the software, but rights will NOT be given to redistribute on any other website for pay or free. We are the only one with the right to distribute Twilight Render. Pisces clearly knows this.
Shane Fletcher
Partner, Twilight Render -
I had a quick look at the sketchupbbs site and found many interesting things, and a few surprises.
Sharwe is a respected poster on this site, so this was a surprise to me, but what an appropriate avatar..
Brian, in the same thread where twilight is pirated, you even made an appearance, so you cannot say you know not whats going on...
As far as I can see, you (http://www.sketchupbbs.com ) also seem to be linking to distributions of illegal software...
Or can I please have your comment on why I can find similar threads on your web-site...??
Please take a look here ...I can see that you personally have posted a "Thanks for this"...
@solo said:
They do not want people pirating their OWN PIRACY
@egoddess said:
There is another site http://www.sketchupbbs.com < http://www.sketchupbbs.com >
It is a commercial services site, its administrator often copy and paste many articles from SCF to his site to reach his business purpose.
He even releases the twilight cracks in his site:
< http://www.sketchupbbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=32087&extra=page%3D1 >...and will never be in pocket by using your works or releasing cracks and pirated software.
We respectfully request that the administrator of sketchupbbs immediately remove all distribution of Twilight Render from the sketchupbbs servers/forums.
We will find someone who respects copyrights to help us make available a Chinese version of Twilight. But it will NOT BE DISTRIBUTED LEGALLY ANYWHERE OTHER THAN OUR WEBSITE.
Allowing/encouraging your forum members to distribute stolen property will give you only a bad name around the world.
May I kindly suggest that ALL ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTIONS BE REMOVED for ALL software?
Thank you,
@solo said:
Purplewind, thanks for the clarification.
I had a quick look at the sketchupbbs site and found many interesting things, and a few surprises.
Thanks solo.
Yes,the url is no longer available.
They remove the illegal software and cracks so quickly.
If you are interested, I will post more proof of pirate and illegal software and screen shortcuts of their site (http://www.sketchupbbs.com ) in this topic later or in the future.
I believe time will tell us who is the thief on earth. -
@frederik said:
I'm sorry to say, but I find this statement ridiculous...Allow me to quote Shane Fletcher:
@fletch said:
Thank you for your reply, egoddess,
My name is Shane Fletcher, Partner at Twilight Render.com
We respectfully request your site take action against this illegal distribution immediately. Twilight Render is very inexpensive and high quality. There is no reason to steal it. We made Twilight inexpensive so that it would be accessible to everyone.
Twilight Render has obviously been ILLEGALLY PIRATED AND REDISTRIBUTED ON YOUR SITE. This is both sad and shameful. If it were truly "For Educational Purposes" then Pisces would have contacted us and ASKED for permission to translate and redistribute. We were never asked nor contacted, though our contact information is easily available.
In addition, Pisces, or a partner, has "Re-branded" Twilight Render for this illegal distribution, changing the logo from yellow to green, and Illegally re-used a rendering WE PERSONALLY CREATED with Twilight.
%(#BF4000)[So they have stolen:- Our Software, 1. our Logo, 1. our Images, and 1. our potential customers.
In addition, Pisces is apparently claiming copyright on something Pisces was never given permission to do, and obviously knows is illegal and wrong. We, again, respectfully request your site take action against this illegal distribution immediately.]
We are pleased with all the talented and creative Chinese users finding Twilight Render so easy and fun to use.
Twilight Render is very OPEN AND WELCOMING to creating versions in different languages, and we are also committed to providing help for "educational" institutions... those interested need only to ASK and be given permission. We will gladly work with someone to translate the software, but rights will NOT be given to redistribute on any other website for pay or free. We are the only one with the right to distribute Twilight Render. Pisces clearly knows this.
Shane Fletcher
Partner, Twilight RenderThat's clear, we will take action against this illegal distribution immediately.
But could you please take a good look at my words ,and have a good thought about us,and our site. -
@tas_1985 said:
That's clear, we will take action against this illegal distribution immediately.
I'm pleased to hear this, however, I'm not going to be satisfied before I see some real actions take place...
Allowing this kind of software piracy and breaching copyrights are shamefull...!
Like Fletch just wrote...
@fletch said:
Twilight Render is very OPEN AND WELCOMING to creating versions in different languages, and we are also committed to providing help for "educational" institutions... those interested need only to ASK and be given permission.
We will gladly work with someone to translate the software, but rights will NOT be given to redistribute on any other website for pay or free. We are the only one with the right to distribute Twilight Render. Pisces clearly knows this.
@tas_1985 said:
But could you please take a good look at my words ,and have a good thought about us,and our site.
Don't know what to say here...
From what I've seen so far, I don't feel I can trust you guys...
It's really bad practise that you do what you do and accept what you accept...
Perhaps it's a culturel thing, but making amendments to a software is illegal...
Distributing it without permission is also illegal...Let me see what actions you're taking and maybe we can start a co-operation...
pirate hypershot
pirate subdivide&smooth
@fletch said:
@egoddess said:
There is another site http://www.sketchupbbs.com < http://www.sketchupbbs.com >
It is a commercial services site, its administrator often copy and paste many articles from SCF to his site to reach his business purpose.
He even releases the twilight cracks in his site:
< http://www.sketchupbbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=32087&extra=page%3D1 >...and will never be in pocket by using your works or releasing cracks and pirated software.
We respectfully request that the administrator of sketchupbbs immediately remove all distribution of Twilight Render from the sketchupbbs servers/forums.
We will find someone who respects copyrights to help us make available a Chinese version of Twilight. But it will NOT BE DISTRIBUTED LEGALLY ANYWHERE OTHER THAN OUR WEBSITE.
Allowing/encouraging your forum members to distribute stolen property will give you only a bad name around the world.
May I kindly suggest that ALL ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTIONS BE REMOVED for ALL software?
Thank you,
We've deleted the illegal links and attachements uploaded by our member
We'd like to translate your software into simlifiled words.
member TAS_1985,a young guy in study now,was expelled.so he can't represent the illegal links. -
Pirating is one thing, selling pirated software is a new low....
@bianhai said:
Together you and we shall condemn and annihilate such action; we will always be good friends.
Ooohhh yeah... We're such good friends...
@bianhai said:
I will ask them to put an end to this activity immediately.
Can't you - at the same time - take some actions at your own web-site...?!?
@bianhai said:
In China, we are the main agency of google sketchup software.
If this is really true, I'm surprised to see and learn that you're linking to pirated software...
Hopefully Google will step in here and condamn all this... -
I'm shocked...
I sure hope that Google and SCF will condamn this and also take actions toward a ban of these users...!I'm so pis*ed...
On top of all, I can't believe that a cracked version for $ 50 would be too appealing when you can buy a legit license for only $ 59 - $9 more!
But that's just one little side note.
Our forum policy clearly states that not only distributing pirated material is strictly forbidden here (read direct attachment or via PM's) but even mentioning and posting such resources, too.
Of course, I don't consider this particular discussion as such - we are talking about piracy in general and piracy in certain, particular examples now (and to tell members why I am not too much concerned about this pert of it - search bots are disallowed in the Corner Bar - no wonder why)
So Purplewind, I would consider to take Frederick's (or Fletch') request and remove any kind of version of Twilight you are distributing on your site a very friendly approach towards the international SketchUp community and all those who develop these wonderful plugins (not confined to Twilight of course).
I am pretty sure that you could easily make a "deal" with the Twilight Render developers. They are not stupid and realise what a big market the Chinese speaking world would be. But follow some basic rules, please.
Also (and now I am talking for SketchUcation), I am not pleased with SketchUpBAR simply re-posting interviews (or any other, published material) released at SketchUcation - like in this case with Goh Chun Hee (see the original article ).
Generally speaking, a news site is most of the times glad to see its articles mentioned elsewhere but the general "policy" which can be beneficial for both parties is to post something (some bits) about it and provide a link to the original (yes, I know that's also a translation). In your article there is not even a mention of the original article (except that you didn't change "The Daily CatchUp" and "TDC".
Or here is TIG's new Lathe plugin (now also shared on a file sharing site I am pretty sure he does not know of). I am not saying that SketchUcation has any copyrights over his plugins but it would probably be a very friendly approach to ask him first.
Anyway, all in all I am pleased that you are here and we can talk about these issues in public and openly and looking forward to a good relationship with you guys based on mutual respect of each other (and first of all, of course, developers of programs who work hard tzo deliver applications very useful still mostly available and accesible for everyone).
Now as for sketchupbbs - which is not YOU and your site -, that's a different thing as I am reading the posts above. Something really must be taken against serious piracy (although I am afraid that a bunch of enthusiasts as we are talking here, we won't be able to do much).