My Recent project
Very great renders! I especially love the interiors
Those look very realistic! I like the interior the best too
Good job!
sick man, the internals look real
I agree with the above comments...
The interior renders are definitely AWESOME...!That said, the exterior are not bad, however, you should work a little more with the materials... I.e. add displacement to the stone walls, make sure that the post pro trees and plants are fitting in more nicely (I see some where the shadows gives it away)...
But over all, very nice and I'm sure your client are very happy with these...
yeah... a little texture on that stucco material would go a long long way.. because they look great, but that material is definitely hurting the exteriors.
interiors look awesome!
bro you know my opinion great work, specially interiors,,,you know exteriors are hard, but good job also!!
The interiors are very well rendered. Great work!
Thank you all for the comments.
The stone wall actually has a displacement. Look on the 3rd image for example.
The exterior do need some more work to be perfect. But as Frederik said here, the client is very pleased