Very interesting, the new vesion of SuTool2010
The best system of flexible toolbar and organize plugins
Video Demos -
I can see it seems to have endless numbers of useful functions, and it's pretty stable too.
But the video is so badly made, I don't have a clue what those useful functions are...
Looks like all dialog boxes are in Spanish? WTF? -
Sutool is an organizer of plugins.
Sutool original is in Chinese, can be translated into any language.
The plugins are free, I did translations are for personal with more quality -
@unknownuser said:
someone could do something similar?
Hmm, if it is already done, why do you need another?
Is there an English version? Where could I get it? -
download in
web > demo for 90 days
original language is Chinese, but you can easily translate to Inlgés
I guess you gotta be a member to download the plugin...
I tried to register, but gave up after 15minutes! -
the link leads to the Chinese BBS page but i can't read chinese language. Is that SUtool free or commercial?
Looks like it might be interesting, but without some audio and a slower pace on the video, and something in English, how can anyone be sure?
hi my friends.. sorry but i don't read chinese language.. how can download it??
Is there anybody who can answer the questions if that mysterious tool is free or not. And if it's free where can we download that tool.
I hate this plugin.
@gavvy said:
:thumbd: I hate this plugin.
You hate Sutool?
Do you really know what Sutool is?Sutool is just a plugin that can manager others.
User can add other plugins in to it. And ,Sutool provides several ways allow user to access them.
Menu,Toolbar,Popmenu,Sutool panel,Short cut, Multi_Key short cut.
Again, Sutool is just a plugin,not a package of plugins!
Ok, so this plugin looks great !
-is it free?
-is it available in english?
-how can it be downloaded without registering on some chinese website, because some of us don't know the language.
If it's free, it would be a good idea to put it here for download, don't you think?
@gavvy said:
I hate this plugin.
I don't understand this. There are several plugins that I don't use because I don't need them - therefore I can say I don't like them but this doesn't mean that I dislike (or hate) them.
If you don't need this plugin, don't use it but growing negative sentiments against a plugin is just beyond my understanding.
Do you have other problems, too? Would you like to talk about them?
I installed some interesting rubys but I use it rarely. Sometimes I see in the forum examples of their application and then wakes up the collector in me. But if I take a project in attack, I'm working mostly with the standard tools.
With the standard tools one acquires the routine and knows the purpose for which you can use them. With the rubies this is not always the case. For each script it is hard to remember what it is used for.
Mostly I am looking for a script when I try to solve a specific problem. This for example was the case in the roads on a terrain. But often there is still a solution by using the standard tools.
At present I am collecting short tutorials that I find on the Internet, and hold them together in a word document, to get a quick overview about what each ruby is used for.
Perhaps it would be an idea if we collect in the forum references for the different rubies and put it in central Manual which later can be downloaded.
@charly2008 said:
At present I am collecting short tutorials that I find on the Internet, and hold them together in a word document, to get a quick overview about what each ruby is used for.
Perhaps it would be an idea if we collect in the forum references for the different rubies and put it in central Manual which later can be downloaded.
Yes I thought about that too, a year ago.
Not quite what you are referring to, but close.
Visual Index of Ruby Scripts -
Hi takesh h,
From this page, I had the idea. This index is a good start. In this way, I would like to have everything in a manual, which you can print out. I do not know how are you, but I prefer to reference some things on paper on my desk.
I think it works for some not very comfortable to jump between SketchUp for a tutorial and back again. Especially if you want a script for a specific purpose. I think there many users where it's similar.
Good work there Takesh, thanks for the link.
Have any of you guys read Bonnie R's Newsletter, She will be tackling the explanation of Ruby usage by illustration. This is a great way IMO to show and introduce both Newbies and Old Hands to the various Rubies that are available.
I will try to get her over here and talk about her plans.
Sorry folks, but anyone knows to answer to this ?