H · Ө · L · E
Thanks, Sir!
@orgelf said:
these works are so crazy and beautifull !!
Thanks, orgelf!
@orgelf said:
How do you create such big scenes in Sketchup ? I have a quadcore and 8 go of ram and I can't create so many polygones ! It becomes very very slow and impossible to manage
My notebook is an Intel Core 2 Duo 1,66 GHZ with 3 GB RAM
I have rendered models with more than 4 million poly without great problems...
The building has 800000 polygons
Each flight-ship has over 20000 poly
Each robot (four legs) has 704232 poly
Each tank has 678970 poly@orgelf said:
Is there a 64 bits version of Sketchup !
I dont think so! ...
An update of The Hole 09...
@olishea said:
mate have you given wings 3d a go? you would love the greebling and offsetting tools. especially for high poly stuff.
Thanks, dolphus and olishea!
I think i will continue to use greeble for a long time,... sorry!
A little update with an style to see what happens
I see some ships...
@olishea said:
Thanks, oli!
I think i have to start another hole...
Let´s see what will happens.
Great job, Roberto.
@numbthumb said:
@artysmedia said:
Long time ago...
...in a galaxy far, far away?
Excellent work, Roberto!Oh, thanks numbthumb!
Preparing The Hole 10
You can see anothe update here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=21759#p182727
Looks promising?......