Newly created styles
Hi Checker,
The ones in this post are with the *.style extension. Maybe your Mac renames them (removes the extensions)? If so, try to add it back to the files. Then (although this may look somewhat different on the Mac), put them into a custom folder you can easily locate and in your Styles dialog, find that button (wherever it is on the Mac) for the Fly-out menu and "Open or create a collection" finally browse to the folder you saved them.
Very nice thanks
Thanks alot for the great styles - they look superb and I cant wait to try them on a my clients models!
Good styles
. Thx for sharing. Just in time .
thanks LIN
Hello Lidelin
your styles and sketches are very inspiring and have some special taste that reminds of the nostalgia to the old learning ways. I bet anyone who looks at your styles will come out with a wonderful impression, especially at a time when computer generated super neatly finished presentation and the madness of producing super realistic finished rendering technics which did not leave any chance or time for today's young designers to have this great feeling that freehand touch they spend most of the time on fighting with complex terminologies of graphics programs instead of improving the design quality itself.
i can feel how tallented you are lidelin.
Argentina -
thank you very nice ones ... Lovely touch.
Thank you very much, they are magnificent
Lin, thank you.
Thanks for sharing lin
good job lin!thnx!
Very nice , I particularly like the water colors!
Hello Lin.
I appreciate SketchUp's ability to produce ordinary images. And Styles Tool is wonderful. Your styles are inspiring. Thanks for Sharing.
Riceles Costa
Thanks Lin!! Amazing Styles!!
These are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!