Tom and Pete's Sears collection
I thought I'd start a thread to showcase a few models and renders that Tom (Tomsdesk) and I are compiling as a collection for sale at Cornucopia.
Tom and I have recently collaborated on a few projects and seems we have a good thing going, so between jobs we decided to create some content to sell as Vue and Max components, ready to use as a scene or as components.
Tom will be modeling them and I will texture, compile scene (similar to Evermotions archexterior concept) ready for render in Vue or Vray for Max.We have 8 homes modeled, now just the texturing and compiling needed before release.
Here is Sears 'Modern home #164' First assembled in 1913 Rochester NJ, featured in the Sears Roebuck and Co catalogue for a whopping $1569.00
Modeled by Tomsdesk
SU compiling
Compiled, terrains, textures and rendered in Vue
Simply fantastic render!
picks up jaw from floor
very good i like the snow seting
That looks good.
superb..wordless ...although it s still summer it s on my desktop
ha ha wondered where you were. Nice model and render guys!!
Great work. The Sears collection offered some amazing homes.
I am wondering though, are there any copyright issues?
Thanks guys.
Dale, there certainly were many fantastic and cute homes, choosing from them for this collection was difficult.
Regarding the copyright issue, we are enquiring about this at moment, before releasing the collection, so far I've heard all is fine as the plans are available online free, but will seek an official response before uploading. -
Well I hope it works out because this is a really great project, even in the sense of preserving this great piece of history. Once again Great work.
Looks fantastic, Solo and Tom. Was the original all masonry, too? Supporting that brick dormer would be quite a feat for that size house.
Great work guys. I would like to see more of the landscape, a more "panavision" set up, houses look better this way (IMO). There is some kind of a "rhythm" that makes models look better, more detailed. Try and error... Just two great american painters coming to my mind, Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth.
Thanks Guys!
I'm reasonably sure there are no copyright issues involved concerning the different than all the historical building or commercial product models offered for sale or for free elsewhere. Using the historical reference images on the offering website, or including them in the set itself, is my only concern. Of course, a link to the sites that present the scanned catalogue images may be the appropriate answer to the issue if we fail to acquire permission to use them...?
Here's my DWC take on No of the largest Sears Modern Homes I've found from 1913:
Are the mountains in the background done in vue?
Is it to late for a request?
My cousin lives in this one.
Oh la la! Pete, how the hell did you pull of that ice? It's fantastic and adds so much to the scene. You must've gone to a landscape school run by mother nature herself!
Smokin, I will let Tom answer that one, who knows he may just as he seems to be enjoying them.
Adam, I have a bunch of textures I made recently, a few different Ice, snows, muddy waters, even a bog texture,
when I wrap up the collection I will also be offering a material pack (probably won't be a big hit as it will be more for archvis work and not gang tattoo's and scifi techplate) I will make sure to shoot that texture over once I have them sorted out.
I see Tom already posted an image of the Worchester, here is the SU model with basic terrain and completed Vue render.
wow...cant wait to see the rest of this series....these first few are awesome and that snow scene really sells it! how many do you think you guys are going to include in the collection?
Sweet what you've done with place! The modeled roofing is way cool (up the poly a bit I bet?)
Smokin', the Elsmore is one of my craftsman favorites...just didn't make the cut for the first set of 8. There are so many and variations of them in Wichita it seems like an old friend from childhood.