[Help]Property Grid Sketchup
Hello all, I have been developing this plugin for sketchup for a few weeks now. My goal is to make a property grid plugin that looks and feels like the grids used in any other IDE. I have been having trouble with web dialog boxes simply because in windows xp they have a huge frame around them which I cannot seem to get rid of or reduce. Is there any way to do this? (I have explored it for almost a week and have come to the conclusion that I cannot). I am using a web dialog box with extjs to run the property grid. I have considered using wxsu, are there any other options I am overlooking?
Do you have a picture of what you're seeing? I have not thought of the web dialog as being too large to use. So I'm wondering if you are seeing something different?
If you want it to look something like this
use something like this css for the body
body{ cursor;pointer; font-family;arial; font-size;.6em; border;0px; margin;0px; overflow;hidden }