Auto Centerpoint confict
I have Jim Foltz's "No Face" plugin installed (I run Windows XP) and after I downloaded the Auto Centerpoint plugin, I got this error message when I started SketchUp:
Error Loading File nofaces.rb
undefined methodextend_object' for
Singleton'When I delete the Auto Centerpoint files, the "No Faces" loads and works just fine.
I downloaded both of the plugins from: ideas as to what's going on?
Thanks for the feedback, Kj. I'll look into it today.
Thanks, Jim!
I have updated the No Faces with a fix. Re-install from the original location and all should be good.
Plugin: No Faces
I've been experimenting a lot with Observers lately. Here's a plugin called No Faces. It doesn't prevent faces from being created, but it de...
It works great! Thanks for such a fast fix!!!