My once Projekt
It is a good first model, Patrick!
I think you may put more details in the model.
Try to use groups and create components
You must try to use real measures so that you feels the model more correct
Search better texturesGo on!
Thank you
Yes i have download me very good textures! -
By my swimbad i will see the Bottom
I am see the texture!(picture)Can you help me?
@patrickpr said:
By my swimbad i will see the Bottom
I am see the texture!(picture)Can you help me?
I think you mean that you want to see the bottom of the pool with the texture you have, right?
Go into the Materials window and Edit the opacity to something lower than 100%.
Very fast fefillo!
I have a problemHow enfterne I these lines? around the house
@patrickpr said:
How enfterne I these lines? around the house
What is enfterne?
Maybe is it hide?Over a line, Right click / Hide
Sorry deteled
is enferne
If you delete those lines, the face will disappear, too. Hide them instead; use the Eraser tool combined with the Shift key. If they are in a group, you have to edit the group first.
I have first make a Rectangle, on the Rectangle i have make the house!
Then i have make with the sand box around the Rectangle a Area!
When i deteled the lines than is the Area around the Rectangle is disappeared! (With the SHIFT key also)What can i make??