Help! Whenever i download any SketchyPhysics model, i get the following error, is it my computer or is something wrong?
Undefined 'parent' method? That's quite worrying, isn't that part of SU?
WTF. There is another thread about this issue. How can SP just stop working all of a sudden?????
Huh... did you change anything in Class Extensions for the latest release? Maybe it's something buried away, only just exposed, or files not opening in the correct order? I guess I don't really know what I'm talking about here, but maybe they should try an older version?
I have experienced that, but it didn't persist. When I did have it, it stopped showing up after a couple shutdowns.
I wish I knew why this started happening to some folks. I havent changed anything that would make it fail like that. The code in question is the same code I have been using since SP version 1 like 4 years ago.
As far as I can tell it thinks there is a group with absolutely nothing in it. Which might be possible if you really tried. But it should NOT just start happening on a known good model. Argh!
It's not happening to me and I have XP sp3 like javixp. How are you downloading the file. Are you using firefox too.
Did it happen right after you downloaded the modified controllercommands file. -
When i downloaded the controller commands, it worked, now though, SP just stopped working.
When i downloaded the controller commands, it worked, now though, SP just stopped working. and i use Chromium (By Google).
Can you make your own models. Or did sketchyphysics just quite working absolutely.
I can make my own, but whenever i save or open a model, it does an error.
I have the same issue, and I can only make my own models (not download)... CPhillips, maybe it is 'cause it isn't saved in the HDD, as I understood.
@javixp said:
I have the same issue, and I can only make my own models (not download)... CPhillips, maybe it is 'cause it isn't saved in the HDD, as I understood.
Chrome always saves and then opens.
Something good happened, download Hobbnob's tank and turn hidden geometry on, delete the two rear hidden boxes, turn hidden geometry off. Play the animation, it works.
JaViXP, go to Window>Outliner, and double-click all the objects names'Group', then, when you get to an empty one, click on the background to get the SP working
I am going to try it now, thanks!
Thank you! Now it works!
Well... To be honest I didn't do anything and it worked
The code might not get rid of the problem forever, but at least you can download and play other models
Mr. Planet's problem has been fixed. I was able to help Mr. Planet locate the "empty group" using the outliner, and i was able to fill that group using ruby code. This may work for Javixp. You must find the name of the group, which in this case was "----". simply put this code into the ruby console.
the '----' should be the name of the empty group.
Thanks to CPhillips for pointing out to me that it was indeed an empty group. And thanks for showing me how to make a group using ruby. i was able to decipher the code and i figured out how to put something in a certain group by specifying the name of the group. By locating the group's name, i could easily fill it. Problem Solved.