Nice one, Jason...
Although you seem to have missed the center geometry of the "9" and "6" in 1962...(Why don't you upload the attachment direct on the SCF server, instead of using Imageshack...???)
yeah, i know.... at the time, i was under a tight deadline and it didnt want to separate the faces for some reason...should fix it now..
Haha..I love it. How cool is that....spidey sipping on a cup of joe and hanging out on a sign you built in sketchup! Are you guys doing any more work for Marvel in the future?
Jason, Great work I love it.
adam.... yeah, we keep pretty steady with work from them... there's a pretty big list of things at the momeent... just havent had a ton of time to keep up with it...working on something big now, should be done by the end of the month...
Thats awesome Jason.
Who is the character artist?
I thought I got some cool assignments, what I'd give to work on a Marvel or DC project, any sub work please think of me.
i definitely keep you in mind, pete...one of these days, something oddball will come, that i cant model...haha.. joe quesada did this cover..
Cool stuff Jason. I knew Quesada and other Marvel artists use SU, and i just saw your webpage and the other stuff is very cool, it's stuff like that that i want to apply my use of SU into my comic book work. Are those models available at the 3D Warehouse or does Marvel have exclusive rights?
no, unfortunately erick, i cant share those... so get modelling!!
just wanted to point out this link to how Quesada created the cover:
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=21572He mentions someone named Patrick McGrath for designing the logo but no mention of you, Jason, for making the 3d model.
ha... a little insulting, perhaps i'm lying? better lock the thread
@earthmover said:
Haha..I love it. How cool is that....spidey sipping on a cup of joe and hanging out on a sign you built in sketchup!
Heh, he's just looking at the cup wondering how coffee filtered through a spidey-suit mask will taste...
(nice job on the sign!)