WIP rolex submariner
good start, keep going..
cant wait to see what you do with it...
Before you get too much further, might i recommend you use more segments in your circles? You'll get rid of that faceting and get a much smoother looking model
@remus said:
Before you get too much further, might i recommend you use more segments in your circles?
can I edit it?
anyway up:
@remus said:
Before you get too much further, might i recommend you use more segments in your circles? You'll get rid of that faceting and get a much smoother looking model
this was going to be my comment, as well... if i were going to spend alot of time building such a detailed little model.. i'd definitely want to up my segments up as much as possible (anyone know if there is a way to reset the default number?)...
unfortunately, you cannot change the segment value of the circle once you've modified it in anyway...
That would make for a good ruby if possible. Some way to convert offset circles and arcs back into a source circle or arc that can have the segments adjusted.
Good job on the watch so far. I use 32 segments on most of my circles, but for detail high poly modeling, I take it up to 60.
If you wish to model a rare version of the submariner, make the word submariner in red letters.