Kindle 2
Anybody use Kindle or the newest version? I have not myself, just curious.
I am looking for a virtual model of one.
How Detailed do you need it to be?
While there are some excellent feature with Kindle (the automatic downloading of eBooks you buy being one of them) I cannot really understand why anyone would buy a Kindle when there are the mini laptops being sold for a similar price.
On a related note, they just released the kindle DX:
Certainly looks the part, but again very pricey for what you get,
Any of you folks out there seen or tried a BN nook? I am interested, but looking for some unbiased feedback.
Check who owns the book content that you pay for and download. Amazon is FAMOUS for "selling" you a copy of a book, then somehow their book changes copyright license, and suddnely you are unable to re-download your book in the future. Also, you are not able to re-sell your book to someone else, like you sohuld be able to do.
The handheld electronic book devices are made by the devil.
How's that for unbiased?
My sister in law has the Kindle. I wasn't all that impressed. I was thinking about a NOOK which has kind of an IPhone interface. Yeah. . they are a bit spendy. . and they always improve and get cheaper over time. I am not so interested as far as the latest best seller but more for a library of classics and others that I read again and again.
BTW Chris. . .you need to quit sugar-coating and just say things straight out.
They'll have to get much cheaper before they tempt me...and I'd probably only use them to read stuff from Project Gutenberg and the like. If I'm paying good money for a contemporary title, I want it in wood pulp.
Also, I think all the Amazon readers have a huge discrepancy between the screen size and device size...what percentage of the time are you actually going to be using the keyboard they devote so much real estate to?Edit:
I see those nice folks at PG have already made it simple to get thousands of free titles onto Kindle.