First post...been in lurk mode for a while. The downturn in the building industry has given me a lot of time recently to explore SU V7 and work on my modeling lessons. This forum has been a valuable tool in helping me get to the point of providing a presentable model to my clients. Attached are a few views modeled in DataCAD and SU 7 Pro and the final render in Kerkythia. I'm struggling with the finer points of creating realistic lawn, horizon lines and backgrounds...I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for providing such an awesome resource!
All comments and critiques welcome,
very glad that you've find here helpful
if you use HDRI background ...ur render will improve a lot ... also i suggest you to add some lowpoly buidlings in front of your building to have shadows on the street, and also you may use INSTANSING BRUSH of KT to make better grass -
Great work. Welcome!
Robert, I really like the BW! I love those sketchy lines. Good job.
Looks great, Robert.
Here's an updated version with some hidden trees along the road (rather than buildings) to the front to cast a shadow. The scene feels a little "light" on top...
I could possibly move the fence and trees closer to the front of the house...any thoughts on that?
I fixed the horizon line and decided to leave the grass issue to another day although I did play around with the instancing brush and skies in Kerky I'm not really pleased with the results at this point.
The Pencil style I picked up on this forum over a year ago was created by Ross Macintosh:
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=671&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=ross+pencil+styleNow all I need is a good model of a golden retriever to place in my scene
Thanks for the warm welcome and suggestions.
Instead of tiling the grass use a very large detailed photo of grass shot from a tall building or tower. Even perfect golf course don't tile.also introduce some gentle contours. Nobody's lawn is flat as a pool table and if it is perhaps they need the services of a landscape architect.
@robert said:
Now all I need is a good model of a golden retriever to place in my scene
Not a golden but it might work.... http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?p=44881#p44881
Cool Robert! I tend not to like to mix my components styles. You could easily "trace" your doggy components and give it the SU style. I have one, but I can't remember if it's copywritten so I'm reluctant to share.
Thanks Tina!
I went through the process last night of learning how to make my own "face me" components...here's my "golden" version.
