Scifi Sketchup Modeling
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Well I dont have the whole month to work on it I have two briefs in for the 10th Jan and then one commission work so with the hours it would take I probably would not finish a Mk5 they are super slick
Plus I want to wait till SDS2 is out to make it extra special. This Mk2 can probably done in a (edit) week of modeling so spread out over the holidays will be easy! Going to try and animate it in thea it only has one moving part so should be easy haha!
Yeah movement it thea is ok I have that nailed down from the wired work I did the glowing trail will take some trial and error to get the desired effect but I dont think it will be too much of a problem ill drop a line on the thea forums when I get stuck haha
Hi Liam,
Nice to see you back on the forum.
Looking forward to seeing your model of the MK2.
My interview with ASGVIS/V-Ray:
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: -
@solo said:
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Use the force Luke, use the Force!
The Next Issue of 3DWorld will have a Tut on modeling the Tron Legacy Light Cycle, or Litcyycle as the Yanks call it [sorry could not resist...]. Not sure what App they'll be using though.
@ken28875 said:
Hi Liam,
Nice to see you back on the forum.
Looking forward to seeing your model of the MK2.
My interview with ASGVIS/V-Ray:
My interview with
Sketchup for Fantasy Art:
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art: nice to be back around while I have a break from uni
@11zulu said:
@solo said:
I wanted to model the new bike but could not find good reference images, the ones I saw were done in the dark with just lights showing.
Animating it would be awsome however, with those lights and motion blur, it will be fantastic.
Use the force Luke, use the Force!
The Next Issue of 3DWorld will have a Tut on modeling the Tron Legacy Light Cycle, or Litcyycle as the Yanks call it [sorry could not resist...]. Not sure what App they'll be using though.
yeah I think ill get that and also wait for SDS2 before doing the light bike it will make the organic modeling easier and I wont have to do it in another piece of software!
here is a kitbashed hellicarrier I have been working on today the only bits from scratch are the hangers and forward upper section the rest it mostly from my eve online competition ship I didn't have time to finish so no point letting it go to waste may as well recycle it!this is the basic shape still not sure where to put the bridge and design the back and of course still need to throw all the details on.
Extreme! Very well done, Liam, maybe the only complaint is the colour
Nice and welcome back.
Yeah thanks, ill try and get a lot more done tomorrow and start working over the placeholders I have put in so far. No point doing anything with colors or textures till its done it only slows the model and renders down while im still working on it.
Well with that color I can already see this thing flying low over sand dunes kicking up quite a cloud of sand. Love it.
@unknownuser said:
Well with that color I can already see this thing flying low over sand dunes kicking up quite a cloud of sand. Love it.
Its just a default shader for now ill probably go with traditional aircraft carrier grey. Started working on the details of the front hangers. There are two 'runways' with a smaller pad in the middle for helicopters. I have started adding stairwells, ladders, doors and handrails although they have not shown up very well in the render. Also added some point defence guns and a bryce figure and F-35 aircraft for scale.
Bit more
This is amazing, Liam. I'm watching this thread, and I see updates so so fast. Really amazing, you're great at this. Basically, though, the thing that jumped out at me was the rather low detail on the tower part. Nice work otherwise.
@unknownuser said:
This is amazing, Liam. I'm watching this thread, and I see updates so so fast. Really amazing, you're great at this. Basically, though, the thing that jumped out at me was the rather low detail on the tower part. Nice work otherwise.
all in good time my friend!
I have done away with the humpback shape and decided to put a larger open runway at the back instead.
Here is the work in progress on the vertical missle launchers located about midway on the back of the ship/helicopter?, they will also be covered by large doors that slide back to reveal the revolver style launchers I haven't got round to them yet.
Added a bit more and started working on the large runway at the rear.
YAY! Detail on the tower!!
Great work again, Liam. Very, very nice.
No point doing loads of details on the parts that are hardly seen so here is the finished vertical launch system bay with sliding covers.
About three quarters done on the model now...
I've never been much of a fan of the Avengers (I prefer the Justice League) but I've always liked the Shield Carrier concept. You're version is certainly one of the better ones I've seen. Nice work.