SP3 RC1 feature. Fixed and breakable joints.
There is a new joint in SP3. Objects that are connected by it dont move. Its like a slider that never slides. Or a hinge that never rotates.
Originally it was to make connecting magnets and thrusters easier, and it is good for that. But it also was pretty easy to make it "breakable". That means once enough force is applied it will break the connection. This should have a lot of fun uses.
NOTE: It takes a bit of trial and error to dial in the Breaking Force. It really depends on the size of the objects.
Yay! Very fun. Thanks for bringing back no collision state, it fixed a big problem I was having.
Is the breaking force measured in newtons?
I dont know to be honest with you. Its probably newtons or some fraction of a newton.
Mmmm. fig newtons...