Bonzai 3D First Impressions
"They are going to have to pry the mouse out of my hand when I stop breathing and most likely the application running at the time will be SU"
I fear the same faith awaits me too
Per your question......"Bonzai3d will sell at the introductory price of US $499.00 at its expected release date in April."
Hope that helps.
Hi '',
There seems to be interest in Bonzai 3D. I have also download and had a peek BUT have absolutely no intention of further investigation until I know what the release cost is going to be! Can you please give us an indication? I have tried searching for this info but had no luck. In fact I have not even been able to locate a price on Form Z!
Also, it would be nice if we could have a name here rather than ''! We won't bite you as we are a friendly bunch of folk ..... but again the price indication may change that
The performance/review of these 3d apps seems to model the gaming industry approach. If your engine's "game play" is poor, then make sure there is lots of eye candy.
Truespace is another good example. Building a model is hell, but while you are trying to figure out how to work it, you can play with the thousands of interchangable/snapping, floating, icons and toolbars in multi-colors, Now that's productive.No chance getting this off the ground...even a free version.
No need to upload your SketchUp models to 3dWarehouse. Just save as SKP 6 (or earlier) and use the File Menu: Import command. If you want this file to be merged with an existing project, check the Add to Project Import Option (from the lower left corner of the import dialog).
Dan posted cost information right above your post. Did you miss this? If you need any further pricing information, contact for details.
Also, WE are "support@bonzai3d" because we are not just a single person, but a group of people who are representatives for bonzai3d. If you want a shorter name by which you may refer to us, you can just write "b3d" if you like.
Did you actually give bonzai3d a try, and view the Introductory videos? Once you learn a few simple tricks, you should find that bonzai3d is a very powerful program that is also quite quick and easy to use.
If anyone has any further comments or questions, feel free to post here, or better yet, visit our forum: or send us an email. We are happy to hear your comments and answer your questions.
As "Big James" notes, there was a potential problem with bonzai3d on certain windows systems that we have identified and corrected. Here is the relevant portion of our post from the link that James provides:
Re: Bonzai 3D First Impressions
by bonzai3d support on Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:18 pmGentlemen,
Glad that most of you are liking bonzai3d so far! We have been working hard, and we are pleased to announce that bonzai3d public beta update (build 7194) is now available. To access this, please click the link below:
This update fixes a few critical problems in the bonzai3d public beta build 7188. Future updates will be available through the "Check For Update" item in the Help menu.
Fixed issues include:
- Crash on Windows with certain display font settings.
- Crash at startup when an internet connection is not present.
- Crash when attempting to view Introductory Videos when an internet connection is not present.
- Video audio not stopping when the video window is closed.
As noted, this patch addresses these critical problems. We expect to release more patches frequently via the automatic update process to fix the rest of the issues that have been reported.
If you have not yet downloaded the beta version, you can download this new updated version by filling out this short form:
We are also working on a number of performance enhancements that will be implemented soon.
Thanks again for your reports. Let us know if you find anything further, and let there b3d!
Plot-Paris, Lewis, Phil, et al,
We have found that with specific customizations on certain Windows based systems, it is possible to get frequent crashes with the first edition of bonzai3d Beta. We have identified the cause for this and released a correction for this.
Please see the excerpt from another thread for details:
Re: Bonzai 3D First Impressions
by bonzai3d support on Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:18 pmGentlemen,
Glad that most of you are liking bonzai3d so far! We have been working hard, and we are pleased to announce that bonzai3d public beta update (build 7194) is now available. To access this, please click the link below:
This update fixes a few critical problems in the bonzai3d public beta build 7188. Future updates will be available through the "Check For Update" item in the Help menu.
Fixed issues include:
- Crash on Windows with certain display font settings.
- Crash at startup when an internet connection is not present.
- Crash when attempting to view Introductory Videos when an internet connection is not present.
- Video audio not stopping when the video window is closed.
As noted, this patch addresses these critical problems. We expect to release more patches frequently via the automatic update process to fix the rest of the issues that have been reported.
If you have not yet downloaded the beta version, you can download this new updated version by filling out this short form:
We are also working on a number of performance enhancements that will be implemented soon.
Thanks again for your reports. Let us know if you find anything further, and let there b3d!
Fair enough. I did not realise the Dan / redranger4 was a Bonzai3D guy.
@unknownuser said:
Did you actually give bonzai3d a try, and view the Introductory videos? Once you learn a few simple tricks, you should find that bonzai3d is a very powerful program that is also quite quick and easy to use.
Yes I did. It downloaded and set up fine. I listened to the tutorial. As soon as I started to use the tools it crashed. Next time up it hung together ok. I was able to draw some basic shapes no trouble. The first really annoying thing for me was finding a way to select an object and rotate it. I like to pick components up as if to inspect them by hand. I was surprised that this simple action couldn't be achieved without instruction. Reaching to pick up and inspect a model is 3d 101. I could see right away that navigating complex models was not going to be a strength of bonzai.
I have to think about what I have accomplished in SU and compare that to the learning curve required to get close using bonzai. I may have been a little harsh but until you guys start to work on your "game play" I will have very little interest.
If you want to learn about "game play" then you will find the best example of this by watching a pro SU user build a model. Then watch again...and again. It really is poetry in motion.
Is that normal the 30 days trial beta?
@bonzai3d support said:
Glad that most of you are liking bonzai3d so far! We have been working hard, and we are pleased to announce that bonzai3d public beta update (build 7194) is now available. To access this, please click the link below:
Do you guys use an auto responder?
I saw the exact same text in the other Bonzai thread. -
CTRl + C, CTRL + V
I tried to do the update but it stopped with some kind of "Update failed" message.
I'm on Vista by the way. -
Sometimes I also come across pplications which do not have a price tag. Well, with a Beta software I can imagine the reason or the cause so I wouldn't worry (yet).
But true that when there is a real, commercial software and it doesn't say anything about the price, it is quite annoying. Hope Bonzai won't do that.
I posted the answer to the price of bonzai 3D on Page 5 of this thread in the answer to Marks question.
Thanks, I see.
Well I have played with Bonzai for a few evenings now. It is too buggy to really start working with it, but that will probably improve soon.
I must say I like it. This is close to what I wished SU7 would have been like, and some more.
Some parts of the UI still feel a bit unintuitive and some stuff could have been streamlined, but on the other hand there is a bunch of stuff I would really like to see in SketchUp. There are things that SketchUp definitely does better, like inferensing, so it is still hard to decide. I think some parts of the UI are still not completed, like the materials editor, so Bonzai will still improve (will SU?).
So far I have not found anything that I would consider to be a dealbreaker, if considering it as replacement for SketchUp. But they need to solve some of the bigger bugs before it is possible to put it to a real test.
Sheik -
This is just the first public beta of bonzai3d, and there are definitely more improvements in the works.
While Redranger is not on our staff (he may be a "bonzai3d guy"), he does quote our price right -- or almost right -- $499. See our following post, where we will repost our announcement, that some of you may or may not have received.
Sorry, we found an issue with patching bonzai3d on Vista with UAC on. If you either temporarily turn this off, or if you simply move your bonzai3d folder outside the Program Files folder, then the patch should work properly and fix the majority of the Windows crashes.
If anyone finds a specific action that causes a problem, please let us know the specifics. We are working hard to make bonzai3d as good as possible -- as quickly as possible, so anything that we are able to reproduce will be corrected ASAP.
I think that it is a little unfair to compare a beginning user's "game play" in one software with an advanced user's play on another software. If you want to see an advanced user with formZ, please see our Demo Videos:
Perhaps see the Penguin or Birds Nest -- or Amphitheater demos...
And of course the interface is being improved substantially with bonzai3d, so this will only make things better and easier.
The much anticipated bonzai3d is now available to use in beta version. Enjoy and revel in simplicity coupled with power and ease of use. Those who have tried it out so far have left a few comments ranging from -"I love it", "simply amazing", "this is a sketching program with a spine", to "Great app, well executed and powerful", "bonzai is going to be phenomenal!", "Bonzai3d is everyone's built-to-order 3D Solid thinking tool. Not only it offers all I wanted from a smart 3D modeling environment, but also other things I did not know I needed" We'll let you be the judge. Bonzai3d will sell at the introductory price of US $499.00 at its expected release date in April.
Download your copy HERE: SPECIAL ANNOUNCED!
To celebrate the release of bonzai3d public beta, AutoDesSys is offering form.Z RenderZone Plus with a special discount at 25% off all new user licenses along with a free update to version 7.0 when it is released in the second half of 2009. This special offer ends April 30, 2009.
AutoDesSys has been involved in the education of students wishing to master 3D since the early 90s. This year its president, Chris Yessios, presented the awards in Minneapolis at the 16th annual form.Z Joint Study Awards ceremony during the ACADIA conference. Students were honored for their accomplishments in the fields of Architecture,Interior Design, Visualization, Fabrication, and Animation. Read the article HERE: USERS IN THIS ISSUE
The following form.Z users are featured in this issue:
Nikalete Funk, Burgess & Niple, Inc., Columbus, Ohio
Dan Manoim, M. A. Ganor Ltd. (D.S.E), Tel Aviv, Israel
Bernd Meissner, meissner>dokuteam, Kissing, GermanySee samples of their work HERE:
Some of us are old enough to remember when TWA (Trans World Airlines) dominated the sky and its famous terminal at JFK airport in New York City. While the airline is a long lost memory by now, Eero Saarinen remains one of the 20th century’s most prominently acclaimed architects and the designer of this impressive structure at JFK. Interface Multimedia assisted in the creation of the gallery model of the TWA Terminal using form•Z to design it as part of a touring exhibit piece in Europe and the US until 2010, the centennial of Saarinen’s birth. Check it out HERE:
Renowned architect and form•Z user, Giorgio Boruso was honored in New York City at the Interior Design’s 2008 Best of Year Awards for his design of FORNARI HEADQUARTERS Milan.
Explore - Design - Deliver
Let there b3d
Bonzai3d is a new 3D modeler developed to fill in the demand for a quick, easy, simple but, most importantly, geometrically robust approach to 3D, based on design industry essentials and designer requests. More HERE:
My first impression on seeing the $500 price confirmed is that Bonzai won't be on my computer for much longer.