Garden collection
I'm in too.
Beautiful plants, Pete!
Thats gorgeous!
Thanks guys.
Here are:
Aralia, ornamental grass/Liriope, English ivy, Wild daisies and Generic hedging which can be toned to resemble photinae.
A note to any landscape designer/architects out there that are bracing for spring, if you are planning to get this Plant pack and want something included that you will be using for spring color or install, let me know now so I can build it and include it in pack.
Hi Pete
They look superb.
Beautifully modelled and perfect textures.
But I think the most impressive thing are the file sizes you manage to achieve.I'm starting to think that low poly modelling is more of a craft than high poly modelling.
Mr S -
Excellent Work!!!
This looks great!
Wow, Pete: these are really sweet...and at under 200k I'm really really impressed! If I thought that could be done I probably wouldn't have gone down the path I'm on...but I'm glad I didn't 'cause I'm pretty happy I where I am.
And yeah, sure...always happy to inspire the competition, it's good for business :`)
Well, Hell: there goes my first paycheck...these are fantastic, Pete!
Tom, Pete
You should definately collaborate on this. It will be a great asset.
Tom, Pete,
Your new plant pack will be great. You can put me on the purchase-list, already.
And, I have a wish about new 'vegetation', something hard to find: Bamboo.
The real chinese/japanees trees aswell as the lower, smaller varieties.
You would do me a great pleasure with such an addition/additions. -
Amazing you can get the size to be so low!
Puts my 3D Wharehouse downloads to shame.
What method of payment are you thinking of?
I would probably use paypal as I have an account with them, unless a distributor can make me an offer I cannot refuse
so that I do not need to be involved in marketing and distribution.
Here are a few more from the collection.
There are many that I am struggling to get behave right, Like complicated hedges and advanced looking shrubs, even though the file size are very small there are many embedded groups which can cripple a machine if you use to many in a scene, Using layer works, but i really want to achieve lush shrubs without it taking a toll on performance, anyone got ideas?
Nandina, bamboo, Ficus and ImpatiensImpatiens close up, petal colors are changeable using paint tools.
Really nice bamboo, that's what I am looking for.
The maple will be very welcome too.Looking forward to the whole collection,
@solo said:
... anyone got ideas?
Beautiful plants!
Maybe even, as in Vue to try, the trunks and thick branches - polygons(cylinders), and thin branches with leaves and flowers, or individual leaves to herbaceous plants of .png with transparency? -
very nice....another one queuing up to purchase...lots of oriental plants please