Renovation project
Hi, my name is Jack. I'm new to the forum. I started a side business doing renderings. I wanted to get some constructive criticism. Don't be afraid to dig in. I did these renderings for a renovation project. I imported the sketchup images into photoshop, and I tried to give the impression that the renderings were done in color pencil. Let me know what you think. Thanks
I think that you have a good start with your sense of color. Your illustrations are flat (2d looking), and the mechanical form of the bed, etc. don't match the overall sketchy feeling; I am not sure if those are bad thing though. A great artist is able to create a beautiful illustration from unconventional procedures.
great start - good attention to detail, like the reflection in the mirror. One tip that will let you break out of the box a little is to export the same view from sketchup multiple times... for example, export just the linework into an image and export just the colors and shadows into an image. Layer them in photoshop and you will be able to use the filters selectively. only other comment is that your edges seem to bleed out in a paintbrush pattern not a pencil pattern
Thanks for the comments, guys. Mirjman, you are right about the renderings being flat. I definitely want my next rendering to have more depth. And I see what you are saying about the mechanical look of some of the elements versus the sketchy line work. I'll have to think about that.
I appreciate the tip, Honolulu. I actually read a tutorial that suggested just what you mentioned. So I did incorporate some of those ideas on these renderings, but I plan to make better use of that strategy next time. You make a good point about the bleeding style not matching the paintbrush style. I'll have to try something a little different next time.
Thanks again.