SU script / Ruby book for beginners
Anyone know of a SU / Ruby book for a beginner? I have programed in C type languages (No OO experience), and have hacked visual basic. Looked at the stuff on Google, but prefer to read a book.
I think you should read the Pickaxe (but not the Third Edition!) and than digging into Sketchup Ruby API documentation.
Thanks, was hoping to find something specific to Su, but since "none", your recomendation is as good a place as any to start.
I dont think your going to find a lot, if any, SU specific ruby literature. As azuby mentioned the api and the example rubys google provided are probably the best SU specific stuff, apart form this forum, of course.
I hate on line docs, it takes a beginner forever to find stuff, especially when he doesn't know what he is doing. Sigh........, the reason I stopped programming was the advent of C++. Just couldn't wrap my mind around oops. Visual basic insulates the programmer from things like that, but here I go.........
OK, my very first foray was to mouse select a component and get its axis. Well after spending a little time looking at the Ruby API docs., and various examples, the best that I could muster was to open a message box when I selected a circle
I had a quick look at the website, and the 3rd edition deals with ruby 1.9, perhaps SU uses 1.8?
@remus said:
I had a quick look at the website, and the rd edition deals with ruby 1.9, perhaps SU uses 1.8?
Exactly. Sketchup uses a real old Ruby (1.8.0). Most of the Ruby programmers use 1.8.6 (or 1.8.7) at the moment. Betwenn 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 they made some changes influenced by the development of 1.9.0 (and 1.9.1). But alos betwenn 1.8.7 and 1.9.0 (1.9.1) there are a lot changes.azuby