Calling Whaat and Fredo!! new MAC issues (SOLVED)
This seems to be a problem with Ruby itself, and it may well affect other scripts.I still need you (and other Mac users with the same system) to do a few tests in the Ruby console:
- retype first
sudir = Sketchup.find_support_file "Plugins"
and then, line, by line,
bzfiles = File.join sudir, "BZ_Dir_12", "*" Dir[bzfiles]
bzfiles = File.join sudir, "BZ_Dir_12", "*.rb" Dir[bzfiles]
bzfiles = File.join sudir, "BZ_Dir_12", "BZ*.rb" Dir[bzfiles]
bzdir = File.join sudir, "BZ_Dir_12" dbz = dbz.each { |f| puts "file #{f}" }
I hope we can sort it out, but it is definitely a bug in the Ruby runtime on this new version of MacOS X.
Hi Fredo, good morning.
I am attaching a screenshot of the results of the new Console inputs.
Starting to sound like Apple messed something up, huh?
At least me get an error code this time, instead of [].
Thanks Fredo!
I wonder if the button graphics not showing up has something to do with this, too, though it is weird that Scott is not having the same issues.
This seems to be a problem with Sketchup on this new version of Mac OS, when returning the path to the Plugins folder.
Just to be sure, can you open again the Ruby console, and then copy / paste the following command
bzdir = Sketchup.find_support_file "Plugins" ; dbz = ; dbz.each { |f| puts "file #{f}" }
If you get an error message, this means that the problem should be escalated to the SU Team as a bug on Mac.
By the way, if you still have SU6 on this version of Mac OS, could you do the same test and advise on the result.
Hi fredo, good morning.
I am attaching two screenshots, the first was the result from SU7, the second is SU6.
The additional Bezier tools are no longer available in SU6, either.
I will point the support team towards this thread, too.
I will let you, and everyone else, know what results I hear from them.
Now I am lost.
It seems that the Sketchup plugins folder is replaced by a Podium folder!
I don't know if this comes from Podium, from SU or from the Mac OS version.So, could you do the following:
- Check (manually, via the file explorer on Mac) the complete path to the folder BZ_Dir_12. From your previous tests, it should be in
/Users/chuckgayley/Library/Application Support/Google Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins.
This is what is returned by the Ruby command: Sketchup.find_support_file "Plugins"
- In the Ruby console, could you execute and report on the following commands
sudir = Sketchup.find_support_file "Plugins"
bzdir = Sketchup.find_support_file "BZ_Dir_12", "Plugins"
suall = $;
- Just in case, I have modified the main script in the way it looks for the BZ_DIr folders. The attached file bezierspline_main.rb should go into the BZ_Dir_12 folder (and then restart Sketchup).
At this stage, I don't understand more, except that this could have a link with the installation of Podium.
- Check (manually, via the file explorer on Mac) the complete path to the folder BZ_Dir_12. From your previous tests, it should be in
Well, I trashed the podium stuff.
I then installed your new script that you just posted.
Things have changed!
I now have all of the the tools available under the /DRAW/Bezier Curves dropdown.
However, all the icons which have been visible are now gone. When choosing to view the BZ toolbar, all I now get is one blank button.
I will run those commands as soon as I get a chance.
Weird, huh?
I really appreciate the time and effort!
Thanks again for clarification.
To know whether this was related to Podium or not, the best would be to reinstall my original bezierspline script.
In the modified version I posted today, I was too quick and made an error for the icons. Attached is a corrected version, which I hope will allow you to work with all functionality.
Fredo, you are the man!!
I now have full functionality!
thank you thank you thank you.
Now, if Whaat can figure out why I can't see any of his icons, then everything would be back to normal.
Thanks again, Fredo, much appreciated.
Glad to see it now works.
Did you solve it by re-installaing the original Bezierspline 1.2 or using my updated script?
By the way, if the issue was related to Podium, then icons for Whaat's script should show again. Is it the case?
That was with your updated script; I actually just replaced the old with the new, so I didn't have the opportunity to check the old one.
I still have no icons showing for Booltools or Subdivide/Smooth.
I guess it is hard to say what role Podium played in all of this, but my suspicion is that my issues are (were) independent of it.
I have not heard from Whaat at all, so I may send him another PM about this.
Thanks again.
I think there are some path problems - from your screenshot it looks like pb_load.rb tries to load timetrack.rb (one of my scripts) which it shouldn't be happening as this should be loaded by Sketchup.
if you uninstall Podium it gets back to normal ?
I have removed the Podium rubies and I still have no images on my buttons.
Same for me. I completely removed Podium and still have issues. Not that I waned to remove Podium
and now the even weirder thing is that I ONLY now have podium in my plugins folder....nothing else!
scott: you said that you removed Podium
I removed podium on one of 3 computers then went back to check the others that I installed 1.6 on and the ONLY thing in the plug ins folder on those 2 machines was podium plugins at all. whats getting weird is that some plugins are still working...not sure from where though.....
This may be the source of the missing plugins.
I keep all of my plugins in /Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins.
When I went to delete Podium, I didn't even see Podium anywhere. I did a search and Podium was installed here:
/Macintosh HD/Users/Chuck/Library/Application Support/Sketchup 7/Sketchup/Plugins.
Maybe this is what you have going on, too, scott.
One mystery solved...Thanks Chuck...Do you have everything back working now? Podium too? If so how?
Would love to be able to get things back in order though.
Nope, still no images on my buttons. What's weird, though, is that I do get the tool tip when I mouse over the blank button, and the button still "works". Just no images, just like you.
I have not tried to reinstall Podium since all this mess started.