Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
stop WTFing
pav, why did you spam me
.____ ________ .____ | | \_____ \ | | | | / | \| | | |___/ | \ |___ |_______ \_______ /_______ \ \/ \/ \/
think i'll stick to the world of architecture rather than the realms of make believe law school.
he he
pav wtf is up with you? first you start spaming my site calling me an idiot (like you
) then you start being a jerk.' wtf?????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
annoying isn't it...
i used to be such a nice boy too.
oh and less of the jerk if you don't mind.
genius alan, pure genius.
It basically means that you're stealing other peoples work Kevin, change one or two lines and then call it your own. This thread should be called "My stolen models, please rate... wtf?" >_<
This thread has turned into the comedy gift that keeps on giving!
Merry Kevinmas to everyone!
wtf?????? i dont edit a few f'in lines
kevinmas (wtf?) -
alan U mistpeld anoy.
This sure is funny reading...
Find it really difficult to believe that this guy got married when he was 22, have a Mercedes which now is a wreck, study law and use a cracked version of VfSU...
In particular I find it extremely funny that he doesn't realize that he's the biggest joke around here...
Frederik, I was always wondering where you got that picture of a baby smokin... thanks to Kevin, we now know the answer! 22 years old looks young these days, huh?