Animation - Student-market apartment/flat (fly-thru)
We produced this animation (fly-thru) of an apartment marketed to students for University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
We use SketchUp for the modeling, and Kerkythea 2008 (with the latest update 2.0.19) for the rendering. (client provided some furn. models in .obj format, which we inserted into SU models using Deep Explorer for conversion)
It was rendered on a Boxx quad core. It rendered over the weekend.
Let me know if you want to know more. I wrote here about it in more depth.
here's a shot from "behind the scenes"
Fletch, I would like to know how you set up your camera path. Every time I create scenes and then play the animation my camera always ends up going through the wall! Is it all in how you setup your scene tabs or do you adjust in Kerky?
I like to set up my path in SketchUp (I'm lazy). But this takes time and lots of care. ... the tiny adjustments and test renders are the slow part.
Then I use KT's walkthru tool. Select all your cams in KT, then go Tools>Walkthrough and set up your animation. Then KT will smooth the path with splines I think. That's what makes it smooth... and is like no work from me.
then if I still catch the corner of the frig or something, then I just slightly tweak the cams inside of KT, but usually go back and tweak in SU, and merge/replace the cams in.
Ahhh ok... that makes sense! I've yet to try a Kerky animation but I need some practice as I'm going to have to do one soon... thanks for the info! Great work as usual...