It is my understanding that orbiting is more GPU than CPU, while switching from page to page is more CPU than GPU...?
I would not say it is more GPU than CPU I would say that during orbiting, animation, panning, etc is when the GPU comes into play while still heavily taxing the CPU as well. The CPU is for the most part always running while the GPU chimes in only when needed. That is my understanding.
Priorities when specing a machine:
1.) CPU- most costly and not something you want to be swapping regularly
2.) RAM- As must as you can afford or fit.
3.) Video Card- More onboard Graphic memory the better but also the speed of the memory (DDR2, DDR3, etc)Scott
It is roughly like this: The CPU handles geometry, and the GPU textures and shadows. So a complex model with only the default material is a CPU hog, and a model where textures are used instead of geometry taxes the GPU.
Here's why I asked (and glad I did 'cause it looks as if I was wrong): I just got my new machine back and it is worse than it was when I took it in, again. I'm convinced it's the CPU but of course they are reticent to change it out. This time I only loaded SU5 and noticed the page to page times were twice that of my little laptop, but the orbit response seemed nearly the same...? (Of course the new machine has twice the guts of the laptop, so all should be better.)
Now it won't even boot windows in less than 15mins (no the HD isn't blinking all during that time, just a bit at first).
Is their a chance you could do a full reinstall and wipe the HD clean? Its sounds as if something has gone pretty wrong somewhere...
15 minutes to boot windows? That aint advise is to find a computer geek to take a look at it (and if one has looked at it, find another one).
This is just after a full wipe...and a high colonic! They also put in new ram. The guys across the street suspect a bad processor or motherboard too...but my warranty keeps me going back for the free fix.
I now have the tech convinced too, since I verified no flickering HD light during these long lockups, so now it's up to him to convince his boss...? He's still doing the tightass: even after explaining IE was using all of one processor and 80% of the other trying to open the google website...then locked up trying to switch to the image page before I was gonna search. IE locked up...never heard of such a thing!
We'll get there, I'm guessing/hoping, but it sure is frustrating!
A long boot time makes me also wonder if Windows is trying to locate something or other over the network from a location that it cannot access or that no longer exists. That is what happens in our corporate environment when the network is down. Also, for instance, old Word documents take an age to open if they have stored a reference to a nonexisting template file in an obsolete network location.