⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
REQ--Inferring an midpoint for mirroring.
I use the mirror ruby a lot, and of course you need a midpoint to define an axis to mirror around. One of the nice features of the newer Autocad Mirror functions is the inferance of a midpoint between to points without having to draw a line to do that. you mearly have to click to points in space an it will infer the midpoint for mirroring? Is there ruby that can do this?
merci en avant.
Try the link from "http://www.suwiki.org/suwiki/index.php?title=Mirror_(plugin)", TIG has produced a number of very good plugins. -
Thanx JGA.. .Im there. I hope this new version of the mirror.rb will do what I want.