Please comment and critic
I hope you don't mind me posting it for you.
no, i don't mind at all... what im i doing wrong??? how do you post an image? sorry i can't remember how i did it with my stadium project...
@unknownuser said:
Hard for me to critique without knowing a bit more about the building and the context of your piece but I like what I see so far...cheers!!
sorry, it is a office building next to a small "plaza" like an open mall... in the office we did the project for that and now we want to do the building... we're doing it to show it to the client... at the top of the building we did a kind of penthouse with a ¿multi use? i don't really know to say that in english
terrace on top...
showing some of the immediate surroundings would help to show how the structure coexist with the environment. even by just previewing their silhoutes
i hope this help
WOW! Instant fan here...more please!
thanks man!! this is the first time i try this style and i'm really glad with the results.... i'll try again with my next project... with these images my boss was really pleased so that's good too lol...
another image
great work! what render engine are you using?
hey thanks! i'm using artlantis
Not seeing the new image again here...?
i'll just post the link... i don't know what i'm doing wrong lol
I can't get that link to work...
AAARG!!! what can i do?
i hope this one works
It did... Looks very nice...
If you don't mind, I'm attaching the latest image directly here to ensure all can view it...
thanks and i don't mind at all.. i want everyone to see the image and give me some comments to improve...
Hi Genaro,
I have fixed your image. The problem is that the host you keep your images at adds an "imagemax=1152" tag at the end. Overwrite the numbers to 640 (by experience) and the image can be displayed.
And to add something contributional as well: Really great renders and I especially like this last one with the moon just hiding behind the building. First it seemed to eme that the clouds are moving and I really had to look hard that they dont!
Just lovely.