⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
Imagine that you want to create a round metal shape in sketchup which is needed to create an optional menu setup as follows:
- pick the shape from the menu which has the image of the shapes example from an image folder (e.g select either the L bar, U bar, V shape)
- insert the dimension for all sides of the shape
- choose the radius or diameter of the circle to follow the line that created the shape
- an option is required to be added to the menu selection to pick what Pin diameter the bar is bent around (e.g 40mm or 50mm pin) because if you are bending any metal bars it can't be a 90 degree shape, it has to have some kind of curve or bulge.
- an option is required to be added to the menu selection to choose the extruded circle to run on center line or outside line or inside line of the created shape
- once the shape is completely created an option to create an excel spreadsheet format which details the bar shape, dimension, quantity,length of each side of the shape and the diameter of the shape created is required
If this is possible and you can assist, please let me know how to create this kind of ruby plugin.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pokertiger -
Some time ago I posted this.
Found this programmable key game controller, one handed, at Bestbuy for $39.00. It has 144 programmable keys. More than I need.
I have been looking for a programmable keyboard that was reasonable priced. So now, I am content.