Curved Pavilion
Well, actually it's draped roof Pavilion with draped eaves. I got a request to make Plans for this one a few months ago and it's finally been completed. Very nice garden setting don't you think?
here is the Project Photos page here are my Design Images for this one -
Dear Joe,
Let me be the first to say what a nice piece of craftmanship. It's good to see that woodworking skills are alive and kicking.
Do you create cutting and joint templates using Sketchup, and did it all go together like a jigsaw puzzle?
Kind regards,
Bob -
Aw heck, I didn't build this one, I created the Plans on request, here it is at the top of my Pavilion Plans Page
It was built in Wisconsin, and I'm all the way down in San Diego.
Talk about going together like a jigsaw puzzle- I finally had some CNC work done (I've been looking into having this done for quite awhile now) to cut all the pieces for a 12' x 12' curved roof azumaya kit we recently shipped up to Colorado.
Very neat seeing this done, and all the pieces were cut perfectly
don't know how much time it saved but quite alot!
Dear Joe,
Were the pieces CNC routered to shape? Have you have every tried waterjet cutting profiles?
Kind regards,
Bob -
yep, they used a 1/2" cutting bit, and cut almost all the way thru in a couple of passes slow speed, then we brought them all back to the shop and hand routed the final pass to free the pieces.
I was worried about the stock moving/warping after having such big curves cut out, but the old growth vertical grain stock didn't move a bit.
nope haven't tried waterjetting yet, I'm pretty happy with the CNC work.