Just messin'
Nice messing
Those look fantastic, nice going Stinkie.
Thanks, gentlemen. Cost me waaaaay too much time, though. I'm hoping I'll get a better grip on Maxwell's materials along the way.
I need to figure out why the floor lamp and the chair's legs keep rendering as a diffuse mat. bangs head against wall Seems there's an update of Maxwell coming. Quote: "There are new image control options: Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, and Clamp Min/max. These new controls will allow users to work much more efficiently with textures โ there is no need to edit the textures in an external image editing application for making small changes, and the same texture can be used for color, bump, roughness, and weightmap." Yay! More here: http://www.nextlimit.com/newsletters/may08/rd_updates.html
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Nice work!
i want war with [fry]ers
have you try new RC?bUT, i think [sk]indigo and some stuff from KT are leader !
The new Maxwell, you mean? No, I have not. And as for Indigo and KT, they're good, no debate about that. But do they have multilight? No, sir!
Although ... Frederik was hinting in another thread ...
fryrender demo rc, i mean
Ah. No, I haven't yet. Gonna wait for a while - still learning how to use Maxwell. That's got priority.
hey, looks good. i tend to notice all the tiny things so here is what i found, maybe you could find soulutions to them.
the brick on the right most wall is shiny
the yellow light reflecting on the floor is still noisy
the light from the window is to harsh, but needed to light the room. try adding some interior lights
needs some anti-ailiasing, esp in what looks to be windows in the upper right.thats just me and my render-prefectionism OCD (just kidding, i dont really have OCD) . but the render looks great overall. good job!
Nag, nag, nag.
Some good points. Thanks.
I must say I like the bricks myself, though.
oh, and where have you ever seen shiny bricks in real life? im guessing never. and what is the purpose of a render? im guessing that its to make a model look REAL
just kidding, if you like shiny bricks, go ahead and use them. i was just nit picking. its what i do. im the kid that annoys the teachers with "uh, mr./mrs. so-and-so, there's a typo on your worksheet".
im sorry if i sound like your mother, what with all that nagging!
Nag all you like.
Otherwise there wouldn't be much point in posting renders, eh? Seriously: I primarely post renders to hear what people think I could improve, not to get an ego boost. So nag, boy, nag!
You obviously never met my mom. Your nagging compares to hers as a toothpick model to the Eiffel tower.