XP 64 on an Intel Mac?
Some poking around turned up this:
"1. Insert Windows Install disc into DVD drive
2. Using the build mode of imburn, go to the advanced tab, then bootable disc and then select your DVD drive in the extract boot image drop down list. Go ahead and extract the boot image and store it somewhere on your hard drive
3. Go to the information tab and add your DVD drive as the source file
4. Options tab, check that file system is ISO9660 + IDF and UDF revision is 1.02 (should be anyway by default)
5. Go to Advanced tab, sub tab Restrictions and further sub tab ISO9660: Set Folder / File length to Level X and tick the four check boxes at the bottom (allow more than 8 directory levels, Allow more than 255 characters in path, Allow files without Extensions, Don’t Add ‘;1’ Version number to Files. (Note it’s this bit that actually solves the problem the rest is effectively just duplicating the existing disc)
6. Move to the bootable disc tab: Click the tick box to make the image bootable, emulation type to “none (custom)” and the browse and select the boot image you previously extracted from the windows disc. Finally set Sectors to load to 4.
7. Click the big create iso button to create the bootable iso.
8. And use that iso to burn a new install disc.And this disc works!"
Found here: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=467704
Didn't try this yet, as I am at the office.
Wow Stinkie...
I didn't know installing it was such a hassle.
If I had known...
Mine came istalled by the Mac Shop where I bought the thing so all was done for me... -
Well, as long as it works, I'm not complaining. We'll see.
Also found this. Pretty cheap RAM: http://nl.backoffice.be/shop/details.asp?partid=KTA%2DMP800K2%2F4G
I might get me 4 kits (=16gb à € 719,72). Biiiiiiiig renders.
The biggest part of running 64bit is making sure you have all the supporting drivers for any hardware you have or plan to purchase. As it was said though 32bit will soon be a thing of the past and any issues people are currently experiencing will soon go away and or be fixed as the masses got to 64bit.
To anyone wrestling with the same problem: the method quoted above works. I've just installed Vista Ultimate 64 bit with no problems at all. (No driver related problems so far - but we'll see how that developes.) Tomorrow, I'm gonna get me 16 gb of RAM, and install Indigo and Podium. Yeah!
Okay ... While Ultimate installed okay, problems have arisen. Not much of a surprise - problems tend to do that. Call me cynical.
Stuff seems to work very slowly. Opening SU takes forever. Opening, say, the SkIndigo render settings thingy in SU does too - SU even becomes comatose for a couple of minutes.
What is this - a drivers related issue? Mind you, I've not installed anything else but Vista, SU and Indigo. What piece, if any, of vital, yes magical software am I missing?
Yup, I really do know squat.
Have you updated the latest of the latest Geforce drivers?
That did the trick for me.
A slow Sketchup (I mean slower than the slow one we are used to) is very often ill because of GPU drivers not working well together with the software.
By the way, once you got the 64 bit windows thingie running without hickups, you'll be surprised how smooth the performance of the 64 bit version of Indigo is.... It will love your shiny 8 cores
Hmm ... "videokaartdrivers", you mean? (I know nada about hardware. "Wow! That's called a plow, you say?") Well, if so, I'm in the process of installing the latest for the, erm, GPU I got. I was guessing that was the problem.
I did notice the 64 bit version of Indigo runs real smooth - I loaded a couple of Ono's test files. Pretty impressive.
Indeed 'videokaart drivers'
I don't know which Graph card came with your Mac Pro, but if it is an Nvidia based one you'll probably need these 'Geforce' drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/object/winvista_x64_175.16_whql.html
(worked perfectly for my 8800 GT).
...But maybe you got one of the ATI based cards... (check your system info).
In that case you'll need the latest 'Catalyst' drivers: http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx?p=vista64/common-vista64 -
I got the standard Radeon X 1900 one. What can I say? My employer's cheap.
Not complaining, though.
The 1900 has served me well so far.
I think I managed to get the right driver off the ATI site.
Would be nice to see this issue resolved. I'm dying to get back to Indigo-ing again. Using Maxwell has rekindled my appreciation of both Ono's and Whaat's work.
Maxwell's seems to be slightly better at picking up on very fine details, but it's SU plugin (while it has advantages) falls somewhat short compared to SkIndigo.
H*ll, I just spent € 319 on Vista Ultimate and € 720 on RAM just to be able to enjoy Indigo and SkIndigo to the fullest extend. Ono, Whaat - you owe me.
Nah - the app's worth it.
Last update. Ultimate 64 runs like a charm. Yesterday evening I installed 16 g of Kingston RAM. Never ever had a system that runs so smoothly.
Tried a 13000 x 8000 render (two sets of lights, MultiLight on
). Maxwell did not crash. Wonder how long it would take for a render like that to clear.
Henceforth I shall be known as Lord Stinkie of RAM.
i seen a picture of xp and mac running at the same time! although i looked through the internet for it but i did find this picture.
I think thats a program called parallels.
Application and Desktop Delivery | Parallels RAS
Download Parallels to run Windows on Mac, Chrome, gain access to virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with DaaS, & Toolbox to secure private files, & more.
Its an emulation program that runs different OSs on a mac OS by providing 'virtual hardware' for the OS to run on.
I don't use Parallels, but from the info I read on the web , it is pretty fast on the 'usual' software.
The only thing that isn't supported to the fullest is the GPU graphical card power.So any software that depends a lot on the graphical card (like Sketchup) will have a slow down.
For applications as Office etc... it should work fine.