Automated 2D Output (Export Pages To Images)
I have these two scripts
Automated 2D Output
Export Pages To ImagesI love them! however, they each export all pages. I need an option to exclude the pages that are not included in animation... you know that little check box in the Scenes dialog - "Include In Animation"? If that's not checked, I wish it would not export those scenes as images.
I often exclude scenes to sort of 'batch' images together.
I often exclude scenes to set them up as different 'options' or 'versions' of the same building... so there are about 8 cameras for the animation, but then 6 different design options (excluded from animation) so I can turn on each option and replay the animation for that if I could export only those images included in the animation, I could easily run image sets for each version.
SketchUp could definitely benefit from an easy-to-use-yet-sophisticated way of doing this.