Things that really piss you off
@igor said:
and stinkie, my parents are gonna kill me for saying that. they are so paranoid they have gone so far as to purposely install spyware on my computer, a spyware that sends them emails tells them:
A) what aplication i've been using and for how long
B) if that app happens to be internet, it tells them where i've been and for how long
C) and... this one is the worst... what ever i've typed. thats right, ZERO privacy, none, zip, silch, nada. they are going to see that i typed this when the next email arives.i HATE it. its called E-Blaster (sounds like something from the 90's, where everything was prefixed with "e") and the thing is, if i get a spyware remover and get it off, they will know and just put it back on and revoke the computer for about 3 months to never.
and yes, it pisses me off. big time.
There's an episode of South Park (which your parents probably forbid you from watching) where the moronic parents of South Park end up sending all the children away because they have terrified themselves so much by watching the news reports. First the news reports said that strangers were a danger so all the kids had to wear ridiculous homing beacons in case they were kidnapped. Then the news reports said that it wasn't strangers that were the main danger to kids, it was actually people they knew - like neighbours or relatives. Then the reports said that most child abuse actually happened in the home, which gave the parents the bright idea that the kids weren't safe in their own homes, so they sent them off to fend by themselves.
Your parents are South Park parents. Parents so scared of what they see on the media that they end up doing utterly stupid things in the name of protecting you.
Sure, they should keep an occasional eye on you and check that you are not doing anything daft. They should advise you of the possible dangers that are out there. But installing a program like that on your computer is completely and utterly wrong. Teenagers need an element of freedom to learn about who they are.
I feel really bad for you. I hope your parents are otherwise good, decent parents, but in this situation they totally suck.
I suppose they probably wouldnt see the funny side in visiting lots of really untoward websites, either. Unfortyunate really as i can think of a few sites that would make them look again
@jackson said:
@john sayers said:
constantly receiving emails from the moderators of this forum telling me stuff I don't need to know under the guise of personal messages.
I count 6 Global PMs in the last 4 months. Are you receiving PMs from mods more frequently?
I have 13 messages in my inbox, one is from another member of this forum, the rest are moderators telling me stuff I could easily read as a thread posted in the forum. PM stands for personal message, it doesn't stand for moderator spam. This is the only forum I attend that does this. Considering this forum appears to have more moderators than members it's very annoying.
hey, thanks for all the support, guys. my parents said they weren't checking the emails anymore, but (unfortunatly) i dont quite trust them on that. and about the whole south park parents thing (and you were right, i am forbidem to watch it), yes! thats exactly how i feel! they go to seemingly unreasonable lengths to "protect" me from something that happens to one in a billon internet users, so much that it makes me miserable. they're great parents otherwise, but this one thing just makes me sooooo mad.
and yes remus, i have done reasearch on it and it is really hard to get off a computer. when i did look for ways to get it off, they noticed and took copmuter away for about a month exept for homework)
i know the rules "dont ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give my name or adress or picture or phone number away on the interweb. i know that. i gave my age because, well, lets face it, how many thousands of 14 year olds are on the web? that doesnt narow it down any. my parents made the point that "people dont listen to younger people's opinions". i have found that to be un-true here.
other wise, life is good
If theyre not reading the emails id ask them to uninstall it (eblaster.) Its only a risk to your safety it sitting there sending info about your internet habits flying around the web
BBC NEWS | Technology | Blogger arrests hit record high
More than 64 people have been arrested for using blogs as a means of protest since 2003, finds a US report.
Im feeling in a bit of a ranting mood today, not to detract form the point though:
Verified by visa. Whats wrong with the current process? all verified does is add more complexity and another password to the convoluted list of crap you have to remember to do anything online.
This has whole heartedly wound me up;
I've just got the palm treo 500v phone running Windows Mobile 6 Standard. It's like having Vista on a phone! It really is. This is not a good thing. Total crap actually.
The handset is lovely, similar to a blackberry, but it's totally let down by the o.s. It's supposed to run third party apps, so far it hasn't. I just get vista-like security warnings and error messages and it's the same on the internet. The o.s. has so many shortcomings that Palm even include some of the workarounds in the manual! It's laughable that a seemingly good device is so limited because of a botched, lazily put together o.s.
When I told the salesperson in the phone shop that this phone doesn't do what is claimed I was told "Well the technology isn't really there yet, you can't expect too much.....". I told her she had mis-sold me this phone as it struggles to run third party apps but she said she hadn't as I can download games for it. Aargh!!! -
What's pissing me off right now?
A former employee who was terminated for beating up a coworker at the job site who has now filed a discrimination claim against the company.
I am totally pissed at the former employee for abusing a system that was created to protect people who have truly been discriminated against.
This was a vicious, one-sided attack, not a fight. I have a confession from the employee (who says she lost control), witnesses and the police report from the incident. There was no discrimination.
And for the 5 minutes it took this former employee to fill out one simple form, it is costing my company hours to respond to all the questions the EEOC asks. The former employee does not need to furnish any proof or answer any more questions. The company is considered guilty until it proves itself innocent.
how american.
I got one. But I deplore the thing - I usually keep it turned off. Them 'ring tones' are bleedin' annoying. People -friends, family- often complain they can't reach me. When and where did we lose the right to be incomunicado? And, especially, the ability to appreciate that blessed state of splendid isolation?
Has anyone noticed, btw, that most cell phone conversations are about where the people talking are?
People who use CELL PHONES and want to make it at point to others that they have them or endanger the lives others around them!
If they didn't have their hand to their head, have a Dr. Spock ear thinging, or "Brittany Spears" headset and it was a few years ago, before the time of cells, those people who be labled as stark raving mad .... walking around talking to themselves.
Someday, somewhere, I will loose it. When the ass in front of me at the grocery store checkout drives me to butt in on their conversation with a string of four letter words. Hell, if they want me to hear every stupid trivial part of their conversation it must be an invitation to include me in it. (But of course, when I do, they'll probably be some bloody Kung-foo blackbelt and make me regret I was born.)
I can't figure out if they just totally lack manners or are so insecure they'll do anything to get attention.
And how hard is it to figure what needs to be said. Just about everyday I get phone calls from someone 2 to 3 times within the same hour ... if they weren't my relatives I'd go postal on them.
There ought to be law that you can only receive calls on your cell not make them ... or should it be the other way around.
I admit they can be very useful but I still haven't got one ... just because it will probably aggrevate all things that piss me off about them.
This is pretty UK centered one:
people referring to the labour party as 'nulab.' Its 5 extra letters, surely its not too hard to type that, and you even get the bonus of not sounding like a sheep complaining about how corrupt everything is and how the market is ruled by the corporations and how the average working class have it so hard.
And that reminds me, i really hate people who think the media in the UK is biased. Go to Zimbabwe.
I was just reminded of an old gripe that still pisses me off.
The inability of ms word to do A3 documents. A fairly standard piece of paper i thought, but obviously not in the eyes of ms.
@remus said:
I was just reminded of an old gripe that still pisses me off.
The inability of ms word to do A3 documents. A fairly standard piece of paper i thought, but obviously not in the eyes of ms.
What the HELL are you talking about. This is supported since the 2000 version if I'm not mistaken.
some Googling later... seems that older versions [older than 2007] will not do A3 format if there isn't such a printer installed [problem is easy to solve, just install a driver of any A3 printer and the option will be available]]
Well there is certainly no option for A3 in my copy of word, perhaps its not standard? still really annoying anyway...
I have office 2007 and did a layout (A3) in word the other day. I guess you must be missing something. You could always specify a custom page size and make that A3 size...
Could do, but its still pretty annoying.
People who offer little or no input into something, yet feel the need to criticize it.