Your Best Render
the first one is very good!
and many of them are graet too!
congrats to all! -
It's somehow difficult, cause I have a lot of nice renders, but I'm not allowed to show them because of the Agreement I've made with my clients...
Any way... This was just a quick scene I did, inspired by a picture I saw in a furniture catalog...
The modeling took about 3 hours, and the set-up in KT took less than 10 minutes...
It rendered while I was a sleep for app. 8 hours using render preset no. 17 (PTP) and then I added a subtle touch of Bloom and the KT logo in a post pro...
Original render image size 1200 x 830 can be seen here -
I can't choose ...I never think they are good enough I just flipped a coin over some images I prefer
A Podium shot of some months ago:
man i can t belive it!!! when i saw the render of jon my heart stops beating
i fill little shame because i m not so good as others but i try
That's podium
? I'm can't even fathom how you have achieved the water.. my guess would be a long cylinder squished at various points with the sandbox tool??
i'm going against the rules and posting w/o an image.. some great work here..
namely, scott, paul, tina, and pete..awesome stuff!
Hadn't seen that one, Pete...nice. I always liked the one looking up at the severe angle!
Here's one of my latest (favs I haven't made yet) in the new tech of the 'same' model (which I hesitate to add to this marvelous company):
Like most people, I generally like the last one I've done the best... but these two I rather done in Kerky and the other in Podium and both variations on the one theme.
This is mine
i don think its my best render but i think its the best so far. I just learned to use bumpmapping
Wutcha think?
Al, if you want good looking apples id stronlgy recomend projecting a photo of an apple on to the model. It helps a lot with fruit.
EDIT: new favourite
(i updated my one, so im only sort of half breaking the rules.)
Really nice stuff, i especially like that foggy one solo, a very cool effect.
ray, which render engine did you use for that? it looks very nice
I used Kerkythea and put in the sand as a texture on an infinite plane
You know kids these days, with all the 'bling' at their finger tips it's hard to impress them. I think the poster eventually became a paint-ball target.
Hey guys, here is one of my favourites, the guys on the podium forum seemed to really like it
Nice trialskid. Mouse eye view or the morning after a hard night out?
Hope you dont mind trialskid, just thought id put your render on here for all those people too lazy to follow the link