Ferhad Paşa Cami - the Mosque of Ferhad Pasha
Although we had known about it, due to upcoming construction works recent excavations revealed quite big parts of the still standing walls and the whole plan of the mosque of Ferhad Pasha in my town (Pécs, Hungary). The Turks (Soliman the Magnificent) occupied Pécs in 1543 and stayed here until 1686. In the meanwhile 10 bigger mosques called cami (somehow pronounced like "chummy" in English) and several smaller mosques were built along with baths and other community buildings.
This image - already photomatched - shows the corner of the mosque from inside (actually about 1/3 of the walls are "intact" up to the arches which supported the tambur with the dome on top).
Now as all the remaining details would allow us to reconstruct the whole building physically (we still have two Turkish mosques in town that are in perfect shape for parallel examples on other, small details), we have been thinking about it for a while
Since we had some official Turkish delegation in town (Pécs will be the European Capital of Culture with Essen, Germany and Istanbul - well, obviously Turkey) I had to make a really quick model from scratch (using the measurements taken from the remaining parts). I could not use the photomatched model (though planned to) because it was not taken from a very good angle and not everything is visible on it. Here are two images (rendered in Kerkythea) of the virtual reconstruction. Some details (like a cornice around or some half moons from the top) are still missing but I simply had no time. Also, the entrance and the minaret (tower) are probably not going to be reconstructed in reality (the entrance is already on another site) and we should find out what the function of it should be (not to be too profane).
Now let's start waiting for their responses and the inclination for some financial support of the project.
Here the KT roof texture needs some serious revising.
Keep us informed!
Very interesting.
I'll have to redo almost everything since it was made in a hassle. Working with the whole archaeological documentation will let me create some really accurate reconstructions.
I know this and I have seen it in Pecs. -
Nono, Tomoslav, as I said we have two more (and some built into other buildings). See them here (unfortunately I could not find a good site with images and English text). What you have seen is either this one:
or this one:
Sorry, I was thinking about that one in the centre!
OK, that's the first one above then. Actually, that's pretty big (the biggest known mosque in Hungary - and it's still there!).