Section cut again
Get trouble with section_cut_face 2.0
The script close my rooms not the sections. Just the opposite. Any ideas?( I didn't use it for a longer time, so it will be my mistake, but who knows? )
No solutions?
The script is not supposed to create surfaces for the entire section. It will create surfaces for wall thicknesses and maybe window frames. Small enclosed areas, not the whole section.
I don't think the script is able to distinguish between solids and the spaces between them unless the section areas are open, but I haven't found this a problem. I have used the script for making sections through mechanical components and assemblies. I start by making the part/assembly a component and then create cutting planes while editing. Editing inside a component ensures that the cutting plane is limited to the limits of the geometry defined by the component's boundary box. I then delete unwanted surfaces. Seems to work well.
Bob -
Bob, the script is indeed able to distinguish between hollow (interiors) anw solid (wall thicknesses). Sure if you have a very complex model it may have glitches. I'm not a scripter but I can imagine that it makes the difference by face orientation.
Susan, thats the problem. It should close my wall thickness and not the room. But that is what happend: the walls are open, my rooms are closed.
Face orientations are okay. Now I made it manually, but it is not the best solution.
For scripters another silly proposal
: Set a plane vertical, move it through the model, all touched is selected, intersect with model and voilร there schould be a real section cut. Possible?
There is such a script I came across at Didier's Ruby Library Depot but I cannot remember what it was.
you don't need a script. that is in sketchup.
Place your section plane where you want it. Then right click on the plane and find "create group from slice". That will create vector lines exactly where the section intersects the modlel and it will all be grouped. Normally a section slice is really just a raster image but now you have vectors. So if you want to export this grouped slice you won't be able to export "slice" you will need to export 2d image and then choose dwg or dxf.If you need to fill in the surface, just edit the gorup and draw over one or tow egges.
Thanks a lot. Forget about
create group from slice