..another 'fantasy' space..
Fantastic modelling Jason.
thank you! i think this might be the final for these spaces...have a few more to do though..
Do you plan on rendering these?
no... this is as far as they go... this is all the client needs..now if i had a whole lot of free time..i would love to play.. ya never know
Thats just a crazy amount of components, this would be chocking my rig at this point. I could not imagine texturing, assigning transparencies, relections, bumps, specs and lighting to this.
But then again you are known for your seriously involved scenes.
There are a few electricians and networkers that are gonna hate you when the instalation begins.
haha...copy is my friend on this one.. makes things look way more complex than they are
but yeah, i think this would definitley hurt my machine as well if i tried to render it.. especially with all those screens glowing.. but would be pretty damn cool..hmmmmm..dont worry, this is strictly comic fantasy stuff.. so no one will be coming after me
Fantastic detail.
Great stuff. -
What is the size of your file ?
just checked..its actually pretty small! only 6.5mb.. components defintiely do help.
incredeble! incrível, incrible, unbiliveble.
old thread resurrection... but wanted to update...
these spaces have been included in the 'Iron Manual'
check out the credits
now i guess i have to buy it..
Amazon.com: Iron Manual: 9780785134275: Brown, Eliot R., Hoskin, Michael, Vandal, Stuart, Wiltfong, David: Books
Awesome, I'm buying one for... my son. Yeah, he likes Iron Man
Congratulations Jason... I still wish you would take some time to render these! You and I both know that they would be great...
I agree, I think he's got his hands full with two women so he may not have the free time he once had.
haha.i agree too..but yeah, my mr. mom duties occupy the majority of my day now
I like the presentation style a lot, for this subject. Nice people.