The effects of drinking
I'm not so proud of this one as for some reason I couldn't get rid of the eighties yuppie-like appearance of this image..
I decided on posting it anyway. -
Pretty decent 'product shot', though. What did you use? As a renderer, I mean - I'm not referring to, er, substances.
He he
...It's a Fry render...the noise didn't clear though after 6 hours but an improvement on rendering dielectrics is in the pipeline for next Fry update according to chema (developer).
Haven't tried that one yet. Looks like a good app. Which it better be for 795 €.
How's the exporter?
The exporter works fine (after a period of 'getting used to' as with most engines).
I also find the price to be rather expensive. I bought myself a copy when it was sold half-price about a year ago as a publicity stunt.
The functionality is similar to Maxwells, but development is faster in my opinion. -
Just tried to get the demo, but the Fry site seems to dislike me. I can't blame it, really.
As far as unbiased rendering goes, Fry looks pretty sweet. Tad cheaper than Maxwell, too. But waaaay more expensive than Indigo.
And Indigo's really easy to use. I find that important.
Yes, I have to agree. When you compare price, Indigo is worth more for the bucks.
Indigo needs more sky+sun control (seperate sun strength slider?) , but otherwise, the quality is really good.