The queen is hot, so get it on...
I would hate to find out first hand just what the thing does exactly
I feel inspired to model a machine I've been scheming up to build for the maker faire.... Always good to see what your brain is working on,
digital DADA... dadadadadadadadadaadadada...
very unique.. keep going.
@chris fullmer said:
I would hate to find out first hand just what the thing does exactly
I feel inspired to model a machine I've been scheming up to build for the maker faire.... Always good to see what your brain is working on,
Yeah, especially since you gotta climb a ladder to get bit.
Durant, have you been travelling again?
M to the I to the Corb,
Corb is a Jack Hog of a nice word.
Your dialed into the right frequency, Kenneth, traveling has been Jack bird on -- and on -- and over the crown and down deep.
More on it all.
Durant "fight the darkness, but keep slamming" Hapke
I am seeing no glandular problems with this latest image.
Still contemplating the depth of the typography.
Looks like it could pull teeth. -
M to the IORB,
Bring it and move on to the next cocktail.
Someone I happened into back in Jack bird December, asked me if I use Goggle SketchUp, and it got me spinning back to my early action with the entire 3D you slamming build it and I bring it.
Seems forever ago, and I hate nostalgia.
It's a twisty thing, a lens poised backwards to the curve in green.
I wanted that action, but your hopes for the future must evolve, yes?
I'm saying yes.
And kicking cocktail needs new results -- needs new outcomes or one ends up watching to much television -- and that can be double dis-empowering.
And what about the hidden lust?
Lust for life, lust for lust.
Lusting is youth, and lusting can be owned at any point in time, it jack bird seems to me.
I've a lot of lusting in me these days, I guess that's what the Jack hog theme of 010 is going to be.
Need and lust are cousins but not the same.
Durant "hand it over or pour" Hapke
No doubt about it, you've got some vision in the here and now and in the yet to be. This last image is very thought provoking.
Soon as I can figure out how to do it, I will throw something back at you to consider. May be low tech, and no match for your machines, though. -
Brothers and Sisters,
Bringing back the Jack bird.
Meat puppet attach -- and want our women.
Durant "fold a stool" Hapke
Damn these are nice! I always thought your work was very inspiring, the last one is great and again a great idea to put it upside-down
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring the evolution -- bring the funk.
The funk is the beat and the "click" now the pen stroke.
Regarding the latest with the grays, there is little -- it appears many have tired of said topic, including the infiltrators, and this has put the entire "attack" on hold.
This is indifference, a state I don''t dig -- who does?
Many it would appear.
Many many people I encounter at the Cat and the Fiddle are infected by indifference, and compounding such in many, a hot running pipe of complacency.
I've been there -- pour another over ice -- as what is that action about.
The good fight.
Right on, but that screams so moronic lame -- tired.
Fight the good fight... I'm not sure if it's all about struggle, or sharp stick slinging.
I did it when I was popped out eggs pants, but as time jerked by, it became somewhat clear that fighting as a Jack bird relevant metaphor is only about a 23% of an assistance -- or 17% -- I go back and forth -- regardless, it's not all the ship of creative requires really bring it and float potent.
It's a push off from the dock, but not a tool for navigation and reward... Not booty... I'm not into the entire word "booty" -- it's reminds me to much of cats, and that brings me back to the Cat and the Fiddle and hitting bottles and curves and looking to stay clear of the hairy ghost hands.
Not so much.
Sketch Up... It's like a big wedge of chalk, and at one point, the internet was a blank apartment building wall... Now, not so much.
But regardless, the Jack bird reality is that curves and sex (or if your a chick, it would be a whatever non-curve), is where one needs to go when creativity is fog like drifting.
Bring that.
I was tipping a few with this one "jump back in" action curve, and yeah, she knows Samantha, who by the way is not to be found around the C&F these days -- bring it in cowboy Sam -- so we are tipping and she's all "why do you have to frustrate yourself with all that crazy figuring, your brain is way to noisy."
Thank you for that, Ms. "I want to sleep with a blank ream of paper because my fantasy is more believable to me then."
That's what it's about you know, I've Jack bird seen it a thousand times, the one night stand is driven by pretending in a manner that's uninterrupted by the facts. Not that this is Jack bird bad, but it is a good idea in my deck of 78 call the magician just that, the Jack bird magician.
Anyway, it's creepy sometimes when a curve -- hot or not -- wants you to shut down the spark mean early in the evening so as not to disrupt the dance of "I don't normally do this."
Do not bring that.
I'm talking about something else, not the expected dance, but the slam fantastic -- the relevant slam, and that requires some assistance from culture.
Prince and the Revolution seem to have caught that wave back in the way back day -- 1999 (the record), and/or P Rain -- it was all in synchronicity (and the Police then).
So, when thinking is stuck and tired and pondering all about the complacent mundane fog of "non-bringing," best defense is go to the porn and open your neurons. Open the receptors with some buckle cream and/or ointment, put Mr. Sparks out and let the flesh wash over your ear-balls.
Or one can just quit caring, take up model railroading, embrace the fog, bring it into the basement where your layout will be.
Pour one and see my discontent getting the better of me.
Durant "on tap" Hapke
Indifference, and thus, complacency are the worst things.
Better to have hatred and anger heaped on you if you cannot find love and acceptance.
At least it's passion, although not my favorite.
But don't be the hater, and channel the anger energy into interesting things such as that which you have gifted here.
I thought boar or bull, definitely built for power, when I viewed it.Excellent expression! Not indifference. And definitely not complacent.
Brothers and Sisters,
I've been stealing some time with the big heads over at the culvert, and they confirm the double rotor ships in said "blue people" is likely a brain implant fired into the heads of the design team working on the production.
Gray meat grinder mobile.
Durant "fire it over her head" Hapke
What I heard was a confirmation of suspicions, and a congratulations is in order for a job well done.
@durant hapke said:
Humm! I like this!
"meat puppet, find opening"
nice work durant!
Brothers and Sisters,
Was dreaming all ... electric head action.
Electric head from the past.
And then my buzz was getting a bit harshed by some E to the Gon over at the HyperShot forum... Some clever worm and an oil pump.
What happened to the new?
What happened to sparkling ideas and feelings?
I find it Jack bird hard to believe that art is that over rated.
So will slog ahead with a dream from the past, a pioneer of outer space action.
Bring that Jack action, bring that massive man of hose dreams.
It was all the same then, sex was all around me.
Everywhere I looked was inspiration and bring it.
Bring me a cold one and a simple sandwich.
Sam was easy, my note book blank pages all but seducing me into fits of "oh, what about taking that top off?"
Have we gotten so flat? So, unconnected to the grand narrative?
I want the lost electric brain.
Durant "Oh, it's not tomorrow yet" Hapke
Couldn't find your buzz or Egon at Hypershot.
Is he/it the "what constitutes art" nazi? -
Brothers and Sisters,
The 78 has been calling me anew -- it's been a keg or two between the last deep investigation and now, but things are clicking, and I must be Jack bird evolving.
Even sharing that is a strange bit of change -- I don't find pointing to success a natural inclination. Not sure about such, but it must have something to do with up bringing, and the orbit of my youth.
But way not share the growth?
Share the ideas that inspire with a little bit of pride?
Perhaps pride is not such a bad thing if it's like the fading tone of a bell rather the sharp clang of it being rung?
Or something like that.
I invite you take an open mind and look anew at the pathless path.
To start, it's quantum physics -- the here and now of the soft world running against the back drop of the mechanical.
Brother Mit to the Corb -- not an art nazi -- just youth -- all good.
Durant "the mirror" Hapke
The Queen is really hot, yes I can see that.