Fun little game: Part Deux (Oct 10, 2007)
they collectively hit themselves on the forehead and say "I could have had a V-8!"
and with the head slaps and spontaneous eruption of laughter, Kevin the tea boy shockingly realized he wasn't alone. He wasn't really in his parent's basement. Confused, he wondered if perhaps he was still dreaming. He looked down at his half-empty cup of rooibos tea. Was spiked with something? With trepidation he surveyed his surroundings. In the suspicious depth of field blur that surrounded him he realized where he was and who these half-dressed people were; but, he had no idea of how he got there. He was...
living in the SKETCHUP ZONE!
Meanwhile, Tim and Tom (Tim's evil twin) are in a life and death struggle on the roof of the office. With Ingabord (Tim's wife) pleading with the boss Bob to help Tim. The only problem is that Bob can't tell them apart, but he wades in anyway.
The struggling threesome trip over a tea cup someone had left on the roof. Still grappling one another, the three tumble over the roof edge.
They fall 4 stories into a cleverly placed Soap Skin Bubble that coushins their fall. Amazed that they are all still alive they...
Pop through the bubble and join Kevin the tea boy (I guess now we know what that is) in THE SKETCHUP ZONE. Looking at each other and marveling at the detail they realize that they are extremely high poly models and have trouble moving from scene to scene without gaps. They try to communicate their needs for a better graphic card, but they seem to be unobserved in a giant warehouse. Soon they see someone looking in on them.
It is Coen. Soon he is joined by Ross, Solo, Susan, and the rest of S4.
then in an existential moment Kevin the tea boy realized all of humanity might be watching, and that his ability to connect with them was depressingly limited. All the throngs of humanity were 'out there' but his tea pot (and his ability to share the gift of tea) were insignificant.
Then he thought of the Hubble Telescope. It was pointed towards what had been thought to be a insignificant area of seemingly empty 'space'. It peered further than ever before and instead of emptiness that one exceedingly narrow peek into the space around us discovered more than fourteen thousand new galaxies each containing billions and billions of stars. In that moment Kevin realized there are likely many-many more stars in the heavens than there are grains of sand on earth. Rather than despair at his cosmic insignificance his mood soared thinking about how all those stars are in fact interconnected in a cosmic web of energy. In that moment he felt a special bond with the universe. He was a part of it and it was a part of him. And so was tea...
He vowed to cherish the connections he made with others. He looked forward to seeing how the forces of the universe might guide his life. He opened a newspaper and checked his horoscope. It said...
psychedelic drugs (and SketchUp) may help expand your horizons. Seeing that the horoscope was true this time, he read on. It said . . .
The components of your life will fall into place, but be careful they don't get too big, otherwise you may have trouble orbiting around the sandbox of life. Be truthful and follow your path, lest you be OFFSET or pushed/pulled in non-coplanar directions.
Contemplating his horoscope, Kevin the Office Tea Boy (whatever that is) wondered if...
there was a tut about understanding strange SU realted predictions. so he submitted it to new forum for analysis. But he was too quick in his post and....
Instead of writing Sketchup, he wrote Ketchup. People reading his post couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about, so...
He got the mustard out and had a lovely hot dog. Meanwhile Tim had made it back to work, to find....
to find that it had been converted (in just a few hours) to a panini bar catering exclusively to trampy-looking celebrities with chihuahuas.
Kevin the Office Tea Boy (We know what that is now) reflected on the fact that his favorite panini bar now reflected the interests of the news media. Trampy-looking celebrities with chihuahuas are all he can find reflected on TV. As he reflected on this reflection of society in the media and the panini bar, Kevin saw his reflection in the mirror. He said . . .
"I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight."Suddenly Kevin the Office Tea Boy (do we REALLY know what he is, after that song?) was interrupted in his musical reverie, when he saw, in the mirror....
OT annoncement:
Please, continue hereThanks...