Re: Some Funny Pics.
One of the funniest live TV moments I've seen in a long time - the tears were rolling down my face - hilarious. -
I forwarded that pic on to some co-workers David. Well said,
You Know your a redneck when....
or your doorbell looks like
Or your wife gets quoted in the paper saying...
Saw this and asked myself...
Csaba, what on earth are you doing with that dog...
San Francisco no doubt
(Glad you take this the right way...It was also meant as an affectionate joke...
a lovely scene
What? This is how I generally go home from my regular Corner Bar
(well, true that the skate board is usually missing... and maybe the landing is a bit different...)
Is that you Remus?
How to print from the iPad.
The Coolest Mailbox
Chris, not quite
Ads gone wrong