Parking Garage
Maybe people did not comment because they are still picking their jaws off the floor!
Very nice work. My only comment would be to move the structure more into the foreground to really show it off. Nice clean render and design though.
Another great image Joe, well done.
There was more in the foreground originally but we stripped it out because it was taking away from the new garage. That said, the image was used in Powerpoint and cropped to highlight the building more. Thanks for the compliment!
Yeah, the design looks great. How about a general plan? And I wonder how large the file was itself? maybe you could change the axes of the palm trees next time, but I'm sure nobody noticed
Greetings Marne
nice and clean, which renderer did you use.
There was no rendering of this image. It is just SU and some Photoshop tricks. The final skp file was only 1.8 MB. All of the trees, cars, and people were done in PS. We have a nice RPC library here and it adds a lot to the basic SU image - I think.